Efoil and Wingfoil Demo at China Creek

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Efoil and Wingfoil Demo at China Creek

Unread post by smartang »

Zenlifestyles mobile showroom and demo trailer will be at China Creek July 20-27 and August 21-25.

This is your chance to really put a foil setup through its paces before buying. Take the legendary lift120 ha behind the jet ski, efoil, wake foil behind the Zensports wake boat, foil drive it on a Kalama dw sup, and wingfoil when the thermals kick up.

I took a peek in the trailer and there's a huge stock of Lift efoil, largest stock of Lift foils in the country, fone strike v2 wings, lift prone and wing boards, Kalama E3 boards, foil drive and plenty more.

All stock is available for purchase on site.

Check out zenlifestyles.ca for more gear and call 1-604-848-4804 to book your demo.
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Re: Efoil and Wingfoil Demo at China Creek

Unread post by smartang »

Demo week extended to August 3rd. Camp site 408 on the jetty.
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