Nitinat day parking

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Nitinat day parking

Unread post by duckbill »

I am at youbou, for the next 4 days, family event, wondering about day parking at nitinat? I searched the site but didn't find any info, so apologies if this topic was already covered.
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Re: Nitinat day parking

Unread post by duckbill »

Yah, so , parking is far away but they let you drop off your gear at the beach, then drive back up to the entrance to park, but only after paying 20$ for parking. I opted to rent a campsite for 35$ so I was next to the beach. Between that and the leaches, not going back.( See my sailing log for the leach story)
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Re: Nitinat day parking

Unread post by mortontoemike »

I at first thought that the leech story was allegory!
I wish my TOW was longer!
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Re: Nitinat day parking

Unread post by duckbill »

should clarify, the leeches in question I now believe were slugs that I thought were leeches . They crawled into the arm of my wetsuit and I didn't notice them so after sailing for 2 hours with them trapped , they flattened out and looked like big leeches. Worse than leeches because they have hundreds of tiny teeth , made a mess of my arm.gross.
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