Cormorant Point in SE?

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Cormorant Point in SE?

Unread post by AJSpencer »

Anyone tried launching from Margaret Bay just East of Mt Doug beach and Cormorant Point? It has a nice set of rocks on the East side and kind of looks like it might be a natural breakwater with a beam reach in and out of that little bay. Wouldn’t be more than a few seconds before you’re out clear of land for some clean SE wind and swell.
Stairs though. I’m going to have a look tomorrow after work.
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Re: Cormorant Point in SE?

Unread post by bwd »

Do you mean where the green X is here? If so, no, but it could be a good launch. Is there beach access here?

Take some pics of the launch and let us know if you survive.
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Re: Cormorant Point in SE?

Unread post by AJSpencer »

No, couldn’t see any accesses there, too “cliffy” and “privatey”.
Where the red icon is, stairs there to that bay. The rocks to the East and North facing beach maybe enough to block waves?
Anyways, I’ll be working too late to get out today but plan to drive there when the SE is in full swing so will observe beach conditions for next time and report back.
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Re: Cormorant Point in SE?

Unread post by bwd »

Right...yeah that's a dumb place to put cliffs. My arrow is more "East" than SE so you may be okay at the red marker.

Back in the olden days we windsurfed off of Campion Road at the RV park, in between Cormorant and IV. The waves were great and the launch was fairly protected, compared to IV. There's a big kelp bed there now I think, and we had permission from the RV park owners, but you could prob drive down and check it out.
Screenshot 2023-01-05 115045.jpg
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Re: Cormorant Point in SE?

Unread post by AJSpencer »

Well, if it wasn’t for the big staircase and ~50m walk from the parking area, I’d say this spot is pretty ideal in the SE. Like Ross Bay in a W, this spot is almost too protected from the SE with little squirrelly puffs coming over, but totally flat inside of the rocks. Lee shore up to Cormorant Pt looked like it was protected as well, from the big waves anyways. Similar awkward slog to wind and waves. Looks like you’d be pointing way above Zero Rock on starboard once you get going.
The pic was taken when IV was gusting 30 knots+ SE (around 4pm). Highish tide. Too high (tide, not me) to get to the point to get good pics of the swell but could see some nice looking swell going by.
Personally I think I’ll hit this up in the next big SE and give it a go. All it needs is an escalator and one of those airport walkalators. Nice slope at the beach into the water, also like Ross Bay, and only one small patch of kelp.
Will add to this next big SE, if I survive.
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Re: Cormorant Point in SE?

Unread post by AJSpencer »

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