Apologies to Nitinat Lake Staff

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Apologies to Nitinat Lake Staff

Unread post by MartyD »

Attention wind community,
On behalf of Strong Kiteboarding, we would like to issue an apology to the Nitinat Lake campground hosts, as well as everyone involved in the Ditidaht Corporation. We recognize our behavior over the past few years has been hurtful and inappropriate at times, especially over the past year. Not having access to teach at the lake last season did not give us license to defame anyone. Running the campground is a huge effort, and the hosts make it happen each year so the wind community can enjoy this slice of paradise.
The decision to not permit Strong kiteboarding to open was not a personal decision made by the hosts, it was a business decision based on our actions. We do not hold them at fault, we accept the consequences of our actions.
We acknowledge their efforts, and are grateful for their hard work. We would also like to apologize to anyone else we may have wronged or inconvenienced up at Nitinat. Safety and a good learning environment for our students has always been our primary concern, but we recognize it's not our place to claim ownership of the beach or lake. We want a family friendly happy place where everyone is welcome. Your comments and concerns are welcome, and we are also happy to respond to emails/messages regarding this - a note to thank the hosts for their efforts is also appreciated. The wind community here and on the island in general is very special to us, and we value all the wonderful people who contribute to it. We would like to make amends and foster a spirit of listening rather than cause further conflict. Best, and Happy sailing Marty, Jill, Sebastian & Viento"
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