Can anyone recommend a harness

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Can anyone recommend a harness

Unread post by chewy »

I am asking the wife for a new harness for Christmas, I am looking at the Da KIne Nexus/ Goya/ Tabu or a Neil Pryde harness. Any thoughts or advice?

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Re: Can anyone recommend a harness

Unread post by bwd »

chewy wrote:I am asking the wife for a new harness for Christmas, I am looking at the Da KIne Nexus/ Goya/ Tabu or a Neil Pryde harness. Any thoughts or advice? Thanks
If you can afford the Dakine Thermoform, check out:

Last edited by bwd on Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by windskipper#1 »

Don't go with the neilpryde if it has a rachet automatic system! The parts on mine broke and it is imposible to get new parts. I ride for Prolimit, and they make a prety solid harness, Bosin's Locker has the info.

Unread post by chewy »

BWD I would love a thermo form however I don't know if I can justify the cost to my wife, I am just getting back into windsurfing and have made a lot of purchases lately to get gear. I was wondering if the extra cost is worth it over the other harnesses.

Windskipper 1 I will look into the prolimit, thank you.

Any other info would be great.

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Unread post by bwd »

chewy wrote:BWD I would love a thermo form however I don't know if I can justify the cost to my wife, I am just getting back into windsurfing and have made a lot of purchases lately to get gear. I was wondering if the extra cost is worth it over the other harnesses.
Hey chewy - yeah I hear ya, the Thermoform is very $$$. I actually have a Windsurfing Hawaii SS waist harness - it's pretty good but hurts the hips a bit when you crank it tight.

Hey when I "try" to justify windsurfing purchases to my girlfriend I always use the "safety" approach. Make sure you tell your wife that the Thermoform harness is by far the safest harness out there - you know since it is the only one with the built in life raft and 10 day supply of food.

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Unread post by morewind »

I concur with Dave. Must be safe. I should point out another critical safety feature in this harness ... the "thermo" part of thermoform describes the built-in heater system that is guaranteed to stave off hypothermia for all types of cold water.

Your post reminded me that I'm looking for a new harness too.

If you're not sailin' you should be shoppin' (for gear that is).

Unread post by chewy »

Crap, my wife saw the posts, I am screwed now, I think all I get is a towel and some string.

Thanks for the help none the less, I may have to say I will do dishes and laundry etc and maybe I will get the thermoform
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Re: Can anyone recommend a harness

Unread post by bwd »

chewy wrote:I am asking the wife for a new harness for Christmas, I am looking at the Da KIne Nexus/ Goya/ Tabu or a Neil Pryde harness. Any thoughts or advice? Thanks
Hi Chewy:

Hopefully someone will respond that uses one of these. In the meantime, check this out:

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Unread post by morewind »

A hearty congratulations Dave - you just made your 100th post. :D

Unread post by chewy »

Thanks for all the great info and the laughs. My wife saw some of the light so instead of a towel, string and a coat hanger I am going for the Nexus Goya. I guess I will find out shortly if I made the right decision.

Thanks again for the help
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