Board/Quiver Bag Zipper Woes?

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Board/Quiver Bag Zipper Woes?

Unread post by KUS »

Been dealing with my crappy at first corroded, then broken tab, then often derailed and finally failing zippers for quite some time on some of my bags :evil: piss me off that these companies don't use either a stainless or fully plastic unit :x

Anyway, I found that you can unseize these zipper "cars" with vinegar and, once the "car" breaks, you can get clip-on new cars. Juene Brothers carries a whole bunch of this stuff in Vic, probably larger fabric shops do too. Also, they sell zippers by the foot quite cheap and you can use the old zipper fabric to sew on the new zipper no probs. Even a crappy machine can handle it as the material is quite thin.

This may be old news but wasn't to me. Thought some of you might wanna know too 8) Today I got a brand new bag.... :wink: zipper
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Unread post by JL »

Thanks Kus, good tip...Man we need some S.E. !!!
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by laurief »

So, there I was with totally jammed zippers on two of my board bags. Tried penetrating oil and tapping, vice grips, screwdrivers, etc for two days with no success. Then I searched this site for related terms and after three searches I found this 10 year old post. Tried the vinegar and success !

I love this site !

Anyway, a shout out to KUS for the original post -saved my day.

Some might question the wisdom of even bothering to open board bags that shelter 20 - 30 year old Bic and Fanatic Gecko boards, but I'll still be screaming "Hooray" as I speed by you on Nitinat.

Lawrie :D
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