Big air - No Wind

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Big air - No Wind

Unread post by bean »

For those not at Gordon's or the Lake this weekend (June 1st - 3rd) my bro is doing a trampoline show in Victoria as part of the ramp-up to the Olympics. It's a great show and there's a tent with a bunch of interactive stuff for kids, Q&A with olympic athletes etc.

It's at Ship Point - 814 Wharf St.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
11:30ish, 1:00ish, 2:30ish and 4:00ish

Here's little home vid of some of last year's show in Vancouver:

I'll be there Saturday
is that a whitecap?
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Unread post by bean »

thought I'd give this a bump in case anyone's interested - fun for kids!
is that a whitecap?
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Unread post by morewind »

Cool :!: thanks for posting Bean. We're going to check it out tomorrow.
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Unread post by morewind »

Holy ... Bean - you've got to get your brother into windsurfing. He'd be a madman out there :twisted: I was blown away by his double-twist-mega-twirl moves on the trampoline, wearing skis and boots no less.

fun exhibit, except my 4yr old daughter got addicted to the snowboarding simulator. I'm having visions of major lift ticket expense in the near future :wink:
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Unread post by more force 4 »

Hey Morewind, did you see in the last Olympics what he can do WITHOUT skis? I'm sure that jump got more worldwide press coverage than anything except the gold medal jump! THere was a youtube or similar link here at the time....
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Russian Dood
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Unread post by Russian Dood »

more force 4 wrote:Hey Morewind, did you see in the last Olympics what he can do WITHOUT skis?
Hey Morley most of us cant get even close no matter ski or no ski. And some of us are not event trying...... :wink: So please leave the guy alone. I am pretty sure at that level of competition the little incident you mentioned cost him quite a few ranks in the final protocol. He is a great freestyler none the less , much better than you or me or the most of the planet population to that matter :wink: cheers bro
Cancer must die!
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Unread post by more force 4 »

Russian dood, it wasn't meant to belittle him in any way! What he does (and anyone competing at that level) is simply unbelievably hard. I remember well when the first simple front and back 'loops' were done on skis (Warren Miller "Outer Limits" about 1969) and that was mind blowing at the time; but those wouldn't even count for points now.

The point was that, yes he missed the jump and maybe that cost him a medal, and it must have been heartbreaking at the time to have put four years of intense training into just a couple of jumps with no room for a mistake; but what a superb miss it was! I'd be very surprised if that jump didn't bring him instant recognition nowadays and I'm sure for sponsors, there is no such thing as bad publicity (well, maybe for the makers of the bindings that prematurely released :roll: ).
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