oregon coast family trip

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oregon coast family trip

Unread post by downwind dave »

Hey there, im looking for some info I can use for our family expedition down the coast later this month. Ive read all the posts about where to sail and printed off the guide. What im looking for is any comments relating to fun for my 4 yr old like aquariums and sea caves, also campgrounds that have fun bike trails n stuff that might be away from dripping fog or blasting sand.

Anyone have any ideas or experience to share? Basically im looking to keep the family happy so I can steal away a couple hrs to sail each day, is that too much to hope for!

So far ive ruled out camping on the Florence jetty. 8)
thanks dudes :twisted:
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Unread post by KUS »

if you sail near Florence the park only 2 miles or so south of the turnoff has some really nice camping and swimming lake spots etc. The sign says day-use but the campground is next door and has at least some chiptrails. Also the dunes would be fun for a kid to watch the action at.

I'm hoping for Flo for a week June 20-July2, would be great to meet up for a sail :P BTW camping on the jetty is great if you're not right near the rocks, especially if it doesn't really honk. There's a small swimming cove just before the rocks (and off the dedicated park area where you are not permitted to overnight) which would be superb for the kids, shallow sandy water and wind protected at least to a large degree. You'd have to carry your rig a long way (~600+m) to reach the end of the beach (another 200m to the water :lol: caution: don't leave it there overnight unless you are right next to it or you might be victimized by thiefs like Ruskie & Phat were [/list]
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Last edited by KUS on Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:53 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Unread post by downwind dave »

:D thats the stuff im seeking, thanks!
ill be down there june 13-23 roughly, meeting up would be great.
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Unread post by KUS »

More on above: If you do camp near the jetty, on a light wind day it's no problem at all, note picture on a 5.5 day. You may wanna keep your truck free to move your gear up tho if camping near the cove/lagoon area, see how far it is to the water from the jetty parking area alone? It's at least 3x as far to the lagoon :cry:
I thought about my kids and the lagoon, it would have been great for them there for MOST days, not all mind you. Plan B is a must.
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Unread post by downwind dave »

well to add info to this topic, in a nutshell heres what i learned.

the state parks book up fast so if you can book in advance you should. we wasted a lot of time waiting to see if we could get sites. How i miss the old sleep-at-wallmart days!

Nehalem and South beach (newport) parks have wicked paved trails that are great for kids on bikes (and skateboards; i actually skated my longboard more than anything else this trip). the honeyman campground near florence had a good trail too.

Oswald west near manzanita and agate beach near newport have mellow breaks, easy access and lots of kids around.

The newport aquarium was pretty fun. The science centre nearby is cool too and free. also exciting can be sea lions at the marina though we didnt see any. Watching americans is always entertaining too.

as a family trip it went off pretty well. we had a lot of fun times on the beach without that pesky wind .. :wink: :cry:
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Unread post by KUS »

Looks like ya missed it by a day, today looks great in both north and central coast waters. Stuck in Gorge for the day and maybe longer as the coast is again going for a dumper after today, bummer :evil: Maybe the weekend will pan out. Sure is hot a sunny in central Gorge today tho, man 8)
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Unread post by BigD »

We're heading down late Thursday night. Hopefully the weather is good for windfest http://www.gorgewindfest.com/gwf_schedule.html. Plan on being there for most of next week.

Kus maybe we can hook up for a session/beer, I'll check BWD when I get down there.

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Unread post by eyeDuck »

Thanks for the Infos

We will be in Hood River Thursday til Sunday then down the coast the following week, may see you there?
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Unread post by KUS »

bring yer speedo, flipflops & ice 41 degrees in the ol' rig right now, whew :shock:
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Unread post by winddoctor »

How're you and ol' Billybob gittin' along in duh heat? :lol:
Fingers still crossed for a long weekend trip, but 4 casted weather looks pretty lame.
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Unread post by KUS »

:D :lol: Hey, I think he's keeping down south, waiting for you guys in July. But I bet he'd have some fun up here right now :shock: c'mon down, what else ya gonna do? Gorge sailing and cheap beer.
Might even go for a slog up a mountain tomorrow IF I got anything left, tomorrow's the big day of the week. Apparently 3.2-3.7 the other day was not satisfactory or maybe not long enough for some here :wink: Just refueling water and charging batts at Windance, enjoying the net coverage everywhere! :twisted: keeping myself entertained when not sailing or spending money :roll: There's still no parking at WalMart although some said one night is ok, others got kicked out. Gravel pit is closed, Klickitat was too empty with new signs up so I left again but there's sure lotsa room. Not many sailors in town it seems. Found a few good spots, the other side of the river is better for overnighting for sure. Hood River's loss I think. :idea: Hope to see some of you guys :P
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Re: oregon coast family trip

Unread post by AJSpencer »

Recommendations on any beginner-intermediate areas near Astoria or Fort Stevens? Jetty Lagoon? Too much current or traffic? With the kids but only there for a day.
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