donate Climate Action Dividend->BWD ?

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donate Climate Action Dividend->BWD ?

Unread post by morewind »

Hey... here's a thought. we all just got 100 bucks in the mail from our braintrusts in the provincial government. The suggestion is to use this money for something that will positively impact climate change.

Well -- consider the BWD web site: although we drive a lot with these sports, this site gives me information to avoid needless drives. And, we connect with others to carpool. Sounds like a positive impact.

So. I've decided that BWD gets my 100 bucks. Cheque is in the mail....

anyone else?
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Unread post by mortontoemike »

I gave mine to the MS Society. It's not environmental but it's a good cause anyway.
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Unread post by KUS »

I am (half-) filling my motorhome with gasoline and am gonna pedal to the metal it around town and run down some homeless people while littering the streets with empty beer bottles and flyers that say: "Campbell, you suck! Say "NO" to the Olympics!!" :roll:

hmm, in one of those moods....maybe I'll give it to a homeless person :oops:
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Unread post by Russian Dood »

KUS wrote:hmm, in one of those moods....maybe I'll give it to a homeless person :oops:
After you drive him over?
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Unread post by Ned »

I'm going to buy shares of Esso :!: :wink:
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