Fundraiser for Ditidaht Kids Field Trips

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Fundraiser for Ditidaht Kids Field Trips

Post by SaltSpringKiterPeaceGuy »

Hi all,

I'm pleased to post the details of a new fundraiser that is going to take place this year for the very first time. As the subject header alludes to, this is a fundraiser for the kids in the village, to help pay for field trips during the school year.

Each year, teachers, students and parents struggle to raise enough funds for students to take educationally meaningful field trips. This is a tough task at the best of times, often involving copious quantities of icing sugar, white pasta and dough.

I would like to create an event which would happen annually, to help build a strong bridge between the wind seekers which frequent Nitinaht and the community of Nitinaht. This event will hopefully generate sufficient funds to not only pay for most of the cost of annual field trips, but to start to build a fund for the future so that fundraising is not such a struggle. Kids and parents need to focus on the task of learning---not scraping together 50 bucks for a field trip!

That's where we come in. What I envision is a fundraising effort sort of like that of Run for the Cure. Kiters and windsurfers can seek pledges for an afternoon of endurance on the water. For example, if you can last for 3 hours on the water, and someone pledges 10.00 per hour, they would have donated 30.00 towards the effort. If you lasted 6 hours, they would owe 60.00. I like this part of the plan!

In addition to this, kids and parents would be on hand selling various baked goods, hamburgers, hotdogs, grilled salmon (mmmmmmmm) and cold drinks to further raise money. Crafts, carvings and other traditional goods could also be sold. 50-50 tickets could also be sold and prizes could be donated towards a raffle-similar to that of windfest.

I will start by donating as many books as there are participants in the event, so theoretically no one should walk away empty handed....

I am told the weather can be good right through October at Nitinaht, but I am suggesting we endeavour to do this event towards the end of September, on the 26th. This is a great time of year as the salmon are still running and the temperatures will hopefully still be good. Should the weather turn sour we can of course reschedule.

I am of course open to thoughts, suggestions and comments which can make this event as successful as possible.

In Peace,

If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy. Be content with what you have take joy in the way things are. When you realize you have all you need, the World belongs to you.
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