Sail Repair

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Sail Repair

Unread post by otisdadog »

I put a hole in one my panels on my sailworks retro 5.5. Fortunately it was in one of the panels with X-ply in it so the hole didn't go to far. I taped up the hole with duct tape. Any suggestions on what I should do.

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Re: Sail Repair

Unread post by KUS »

otisdadog wrote:I put a hole in one my panels on my sailworks retro 5.5. Fortunately it was in one of the panels with X-ply in it so the hole didn't go to far. I taped up the hole with duct tape. Any suggestions on what I should do.

Tuck Tape is your friend, Otis 8) just make sure it is dry, clean (use windex) before applying and it will NEVER come off :roll: unless this is to come off at some which case the sail repair guys will hate you and your tuck tape.....
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Unread post by UnusuallyLargeRobin »

Paul Betts at Leitch & McBride in Sidney does sail repairs
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Foils:Axis HPS 930(1179cm2),1050(1460),PNG1150(1713),HA1000(1310);Rears 370,425p,Skinny365/55; Fuse:ultra, adv.crazy black;Mast:90cm
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Unread post by saulman »

Tuck tape. If it's bad email Paul at
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Unread post by nanmoo »

I am finding that once your sail becomes tuct tape dominated it actually increases both the style and performance.

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Unread post by ~~~~~4j~~ »

I tried a product called Tedlar. It is clear and sticks just as well. Large sail stickers may also work.
~~~~~4j~~ wrote:Mattdog gave me some stuff called "Tedlar". It is clear and has stuck really well so far (3 months..3 or 4 sessions). I'm not sure where to get it though... ... arPVF.html

According to a previous post Tedlar tape is available at Bosun's. I found these instructions online
Repairing a sail tear with Tedlar
Tedlar is a hi-tech adhesive film used in the aerospace industry to
protect surfaces from Ultraviolet radiation. It will not fade, crack or
yellow in the sun and it has an aggressive adhesive which allows
permanent and almost invisible repairs on kite sails.
Tedlar can be used on tears in both cloth and Mylar sail panels. It is
available in 2” wide strips from Prism by the foot or by the roll.
The best way to apply a Tedlar patch is to first align the tear using
some masking tape on the front side of the sail. Make sure you've
smoothed as many of the wrinkles and bubbles as you can, then apply
the Tedlar patch to the back side of the sail. Remove the masking
tape, and you're done. It helps to slightly round the corners of your
patch to keep them from peeling up over time. For a stronger repair
place the Tedlar patch on the front and back of the sail.
I used a wide patch of tedlar - not the tape. This stuff is REALLY sticky...and folds back on itself like packing you have to be careful with it. I used it on both sides of the sail. I rounded the corners of the patches. It is so clear that it is hard to tell where the patch is!
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Unread post by nanmoo »

The downside to it being clear is you miss out on the character that tuct tape scars add to your sail.
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