New at Canada, Victoria and also at BWDave

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New at Canada, Victoria and also at BWDave

Unread post by EricPlana »

Hello every body.

I'm Eric (37), from Barcelona (Spain) and I will be at Victoria (Metchosin) on January 2012 for a few months.

I'm a Windsurf lover and I usually sail with a Tabou Rocket 105L and sails from 4.7 to 6.1. Also a Fanatic Shark 130L with a 8.0 2cam sail for low winds.
Not good on jibes but I can sail planing with harness, straps and Beach/Water start. Mid Level I think.

It will be my first Time in Canada and I'm impatient to start my travel.

Don't know if I will have occasion to try some spots around Victoria, but I Will apreciate any Information than you can give to a new arrived.

- Posible to Rent material? where?
- Where you recomend me to sail?
- Wich are the most windy Spots near Victoria and with which wind orientation?

- I have a 5/3 wetsuit also boots, gloves and hood. Enough?
- Wich sea/ambient Temp in winter at Victoria?

I know, a lot of questions, but thanks a lot.

Not me, but a video of Pals, spot near Barcelona.

--- A windsurfer from Barcelona at Victoria. ---
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Unread post by KUS »

fun vid, nasty break, love the two hander double forward and the guy sailing into a wall near the end, haha. Looks pretty windy that day. Too bad the waves are arriving the wrong way :lol:

There is no stuff to rent around here, private message me when you arrive, will see what we can put together, bring yer suit, 5:3 except maybe in January should do, booties and maybe gloves. Water temps don't vary much, 9-14 degrees west coast/ outside strait, inside strait gets warmer but not in January haha. You will need wheels, not much sailing near Metchosin at all, esp in late winter.

check the WIKI on here for spots, best wind direction(s) indicated on the "latest reports" table
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Unread post by downwind dave »

hey, welcome to canada eh! :D im away most of Feb, so could have some gear to offer up too. though Kus likely has you covered. typically its not too windy between new years and easter though.
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Unread post by more force 4 »

Yep, Welcome!!
Hopefully Dave is wrong (he often is :wink: ) and Jan-March will be plenty windy. We're all suffering from a two week+ wind drought, but really, we live in one of the better places in the world for wind. You can check out the typical wind patterns on the "Archive" tab on the header. You'll see that December has been flat, but November was great after a bit of a slow start. You can go back years of data for each site, compare to the "Wiki" and you'll know more about where to go to find wind at any particular date better than the forecasters - without ever being here before.

Do you sail the venue in your windy link? That looks pretty gnarly for both wind and dumping waves!

Yes, 5/3 should be fine for any but the stupid days where you don't want to be out anyway (go skiing instead).
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Unread post by EricPlana »

Thanks by your answers. Very Usefull.
I will analyse the Wiki weather data to understand where and when is better to sail.
more force 4 wrote:Do you sail the venue in your windy link? That looks pretty gnarly for both wind and dumping waves!
Not at all, I'm not so crazy.
"Pals" is an extreme spot when North wind blows (SideShore).
--- A windsurfer from Barcelona at Victoria. ---
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Unread post by EricPlana »

Hello guys.

I'm still here (Victoria) until the end of August, but too many months without windsurf.
All my material is in Spain, so I have nothing in Canada. I supose it will be possible to rent a wet-suit at SportsRent (Gov. St) but it seem is not possible to rent the rest.

It seems than Nitinat is a great place in summer, so I need to ask you about a big favour. [-o<
I don't want to come back at home (Spain) without sail the Pacific.

If one of you have plans to travel to Nitinat some day, I will be happy if you let me to share the trip and costs of gas and also pay something to rent some of your material for a couple of hours. I'm on 75kg and I usually sail with a 100L Freeride Board and sails from 4.7 to 6.0.

It will be really friendly if some one will accept to share the trip and his material with me one day at Nitinat.

Thanks 8-[
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Unread post by KUS »

EricPlana wrote:All my material is in Spain, so I have nothing in Canada. I supose it will be possible to rent a wet-suit at SportsRent (Gov. St) but it seem is not possible to rent the rest.

It seems than Nitinat is a great place in summer, so I need to ask you about a big favour. [-o<
I don't want to come back at home (Spain) without sail the Pacific.

If one of you have plans to travel to Nitinat some day, I will be happy if you let me to share the trip and costs of gas and also pay something to rent some of your material for a couple of hours. I'm on 75kg and I usually sail with a 100L Freeride Board and sails from 4.7 to 6.0.

It will be really friendly if some one will accept to share the trip and his material with me one day at Nitinat.
I can outfit you with a sailing rig, the large board is a problem but on a good Nat day you can make an mid 80'sL board work no problem, I have an 86 or 87 you can borrow....

Nitinat isn't really the Pacific......and if you are in Victoria why not go out at Gordons or Cook Street, that would count as the Pacific 8)
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Unread post by EricPlana »

OK, then I will change my phrase by :
"I don't want to come back at home (Spain) without sail any kind of Canadian water" :lol:

Thank you by your proposition. I will be in USA these weekend, but I will contact you for the next week.
--- A windsurfer from Barcelona at Victoria. ---
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