UPDATE - "learn a backroll" clinic this w/e

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UPDATE - "learn a backroll" clinic this w/e

Unread post by Ned »

Hey folks,

Ocean Rodeo is hosting an Intro to Strapless Clinic this weekend for those who are interested - 10.00 Saturday morning, meet at Strong Kiteboarding.

What we'll cover:
- Basic board types and design elements
- How to handle the board in the water
- Comprehensive breakdown of water start technique
- Basic riding techniques
- Common problems (and solutions) for all of the above along the way

This is meant for someone who has very little to no experience with strapless riding to this point in their kiting. We'll keep it simple, quick, and on dry land!

For anyone interested, please post here if you wish to attend! We'll cap it at 5. Happy to do them regularly if interest warrants it.

Anyone keen to give a board a try after is welcome to request a demo, but boards will be very limited!


Last edited by Ned on Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:51 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Unread post by thankgodiatepastafobreaky »

I'll do my best to be there too Ned. Good plan. Strapless Forever!! http://www.losethestraps.com/
curses - foiled again!
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Unread post by KUS »

Sounds great, sorry to miss it... Some other time hopefully😃
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Unread post by SmallWaveSteve »

Anybody on the fence should definitely check it out, its quite a bit easier than it looks, and gives you some better options for light wind!

I'm picking someone up from the ferries sat AM, so I probably won't be up there early enough to make it, otherwise I'd be down for this.
I've got a few strapless sessions under my belt, but being self taught I'm sure I've overlooked some easier ways of doing things, so I'll try and make the next one.
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Unread post by Ned »

Quick update...

If people wish, happy to do this again on Sunday for those who can't make it (or just Sunday if that seems better).

We'll also be offering a "Bar Tuning" clinic in the near future.

Again, interest will dictate how often we do this. I'd be more than happy to do one each day of every weekend I can get to the lake this summer.

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Unread post by rocdoc »

Any chance of videoing the clinic and putting it on the OR website?
Or just put on youtube?

I cannot make the trip to the lake.
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Unread post by abetanzo »

might be going up Sunday so that would be sweet!
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Unread post by SmallWaveSteve »

I'm down for sunday for sure!
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Unread post by Ned »

I would have considered the video thing but I don't have my camera this weekend!

Will do it Sunday too if people want. Come find me when you are up there and let me know if you wish to attend.

As usual, it's Nitinaht, so we'll play it by ear - casual!
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Unread post by Ned »

Alright folks!

Sleepy weekend last time around, but this is on offer again. Same deal, show up Saturday morning in front of Strong Kiteboarding if interested.

We'll also be doing a bar tuning clinic on Sunday!

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Unread post by skywalker »

Good on you Ned. This is some very useful info for expanding your riding horizons. Strapless opened up a new side of kiteboarding for me. Super fun.
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Now a Backroll Clinic!

Unread post by Ned »

OK we are going to try this again this weekend!

This time we'll switch it up though to something that seems to be of more interest to a few folks I've talked to.

Saturday morning starting around 10.30-11.00 I'll try to explain "How to do a Backroll" (no, not strapless!).

Meet up by Strong and we'll go from there.

Happy to take whoever is interested out on the water after, we can ride up to the river mouth area and I will yell at you until you crash enough times to eventually get it right :)
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Unread post by abetanzo »

See you up there!

hope you're bringing a demo surf board??
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