Water sport sunglasses 8)

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Water sport sunglasses 8)

Unread post by redbaron »

With summer nearly here and the sun's UV at an all time powerful, I would hate to burn my eyes balls like I did on Maui.
Does anyone have any experiences/recommendations with sunglasses for windsurfing /kiting/SUP'n they want to share?
I am hoping to find something available in Victoria.
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Unread post by tycho »

I bought a pair of these in South Padre for around the same price as this ($16). They are polarized, comfortable (for my face anyway), and the strap works well. Not sure if/where you can get them locally though.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kiteboarding-Po ... 1195411922
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Unread post by SmallWaveSteve »

There used to be sea speeds you could get that would contribute towards bwd. Sea specs are great, I have those and maelstorm horizons. Happy with both.
Marty d has sea specs or something similar he sells if you want local
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Unread post by Ned »

I was lucky enough to get some glasses from Kurtis USA at a trade show.

They are by far the best surf/water lenses I have used. Extremely lightweight, float, flexible/twistable, and most importantly great optics. The biggest downside by far though is the price...

If you are good at holding on to stuff and don't lose things easily, I'd consider them for a long term investment. They made me want to throw away my Sea Specs, but the Sea Specs are still better than nothing for sure.

I was out Saturday and forgot any/all of the glasses I have. South wind at cook... brutal glare. Makes you realize in a hurry how essential these things are, whichever ones you choose.
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Unread post by thankgodiatepastafobreaky »

Yes I'll second the Kurtis water sunglasses. Won't break, won't sink, stay with straps and bend to your face and to the water when your face is behind them going into the water.
curses - foiled again!
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Unread post by downwind dave »

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Unread post by OtLunch »

I just picked up a floating pair of polarized sunglasses from Marty. He will have them up at the lake.
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