Wake up the Windfest machine!

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Wake up the Windfest machine!

Unread post by skywalker »


I'll be the first to tell you that Windfest 2014 had amazing volunteers. Windfest was a safe, well received event and I hope to see that again. But to do that we need more volunteers for 2015!

Every volunteer was extremely important to 2014 (you know who you are), and we need you back. If you didn't get a chance to volunteer last year, now's your time!

I suggest a meeting early January to start hashing things out.

So lets wake up the Windfest machine and pull off a great, safe event!

Post if you're interested. Dates to follow soon!

Luke Skywalker
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Unread post by MartyD »

I'm stuck here in Mexico so cant make it to the meetings for a few months but I am in!
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Unread post by Obsessioned »

I nominate Ned to be the announcer.
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Unread post by skywalker »

Obsessioned wrote:I nominate Ned to be the announcer.
I second that.

Marty, no worries. I'll reach out to you for input.
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Unread post by skywalker »

Once again, totally open to windsurfers. You guys just need to nominate a hero to lead the charge.
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Kus is our Hero. Was there any question?
Don't forget to bring a towel!
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Sunday @3-4 for a quick meeting?

Unread post by skywalker »

Adrian and I met with the RVYC last Thursday. They said they're on board to help with windfest and any other on the water events.

In addition to Windfest we hope to do another downwinder, and a new freestyle competition off Dallas road.

Since there is no wind this weekend, I was hoping to have a quick get together at 3pm on Sunday at the RVYC. If you live far away we can Skype you in.

Heres an agenda:

Recap last year, what worked what didn't
Dates for 2015?
Format for windfest events
Windfest budget
Logistics- safety, lighting
Windfest party

I hope to be in and out in about 1 hour. Hope to see you there!

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Unread post by abetanzo »

See ya then
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Unread post by gnarf »

not sure if there is enough people riding foils , but maybe adding an amateur foil class race?
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Unread post by skywalker »

Hey Gnarf. I like it!

Typically in sailing when there are similar fleets at different speeds we use the same start and just record the finishes differently. That will make for a more exciting start.
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Unread post by abetanzo »

I wanted to bump this thread up again...

Spread the word and sign up now... if you were at last years event the winds weren't great but the people and party were pretty awesome!
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