Jordan River Erosion, Trees @Point

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Jordan River Erosion, Trees @Point

Unread post by KUS »

FYI: Good news, CRD & JR for those interested :D 8)

From: Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 10:01 AM
To: Subject: Contact Us - Submission

The following message was received through the form at '
Your Name:
Good morning. I wonder if the CRD could help save our trees at Jordan River. The matter is of utmost urgency, the parking lot as you know is being eroded and we are about to lose the two veteran trees at the point, a well known and loved landmark of this very special place.

I would be willing to start a donation campaign if this would help. We can always backfill a parking lot but once these trees are gone they will never be replaced. Please help!! Thank you!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 11:03:52 -0700 (MST)
Subject: RE: Contact Us - Submission

Good Morning,

I confirm receipt of your email.
I have forwarded your request to CRD Regional Parks.
Thank you,
Administrative Clerk | JDF Electoral Area Planning | 250.642.8100
JDF Local Area Services Building | Capital Regional District
3 – 7450 Butler Road, Sooke, BC V9Z 1N1
thanks W. , I have also copied them in an effort for someone to hopefully do something....anything Cheers :)
From: Jim Bell <jbell>
Cc: Mike Macintyre <mmacintyre>, Karen Ward <kward>
Sent: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 11:19:54 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Trees at Jordan River

Mk: Thank you for your email of January 20, regarding the trees at the day use site at Jordan River. I am working with Qweesto Logging and we will be armouring the shoreline around the trees next week. We need to bring in big enough equipment that will move 4-5 ft boulders to try to break the wave energy before it hits the bank. We will also use landscaping cloth and smaller material to support the root system. Thanks for your concern for the Park. If you have further questions, please give me a call at 250-920-6298. Thanks

Jim Bell
Operations Supervisor
Regional Parks
Good afternoon!

Wow, that is SUPER news, Jim!!! So glad to hear there is recognition of these landmark trees, the parking lot is probably of similar or more important interest to you for the public but is something that could be addressed during less inclement weather. I sure appreciate your group's fiscal and operational challenges in the area and also apparently the fisheries issues in regard to dredging that I understand is of concern.

Thank you and your group! so much for looking into trying to save those trees, it may be too late due to undermining and salt water exposure but you never know. Some rip rap and soil behind it may just be enough and in the nick of time. Here's hoping.

Best regards. mk
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Unread post by JL »

Rip-rap & boulders. This is why I leave J.R. to the wave dudes & grovel around @ Gordons :?
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Unread post by bwd »

Nice, but what happens when the dam breaks? Those trees should be relocated to higher ground.
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Unread post by JL »

If the dam lets go as the tsunami arrives it could be neutralized :P
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Unread post by KUS »

I know...and already heard.... kiters love to hate those trees....alas, environment and landmarks first, sport second, learn to deal with the venue....we just have to be BETTER, if it was all easy where is the challenge in working to conquer it? I donated a sail to the river current a few days ago...price you pay...Hate those rocks, so many ankle bruises and busted fins.....but I don't want the beach any other way...

As for the big wave, better be ready for it and don't miss it, the window for riding will be short....I for one will be bummed to see the photos and not be in on it :twisted: Wind and dam firm trees will survive that too :wink: although some of us might not.... just imagine the "Point Break" ending and being part of that :idea: :!:
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Unread post by CTK »

With the built up bank side we wont be able to parking lot launch and sneak along the riverside in front of the trees anymore.
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Unread post by rocdoc »

Not to mention the numerous crows perched in the sacred trees, shitting on the cars and cackling at the failings of human activities going on below.
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Unread post by nanmoo »

I'm with BWD, those trees are no safer than campers when the tsunami comes, we need to start a campaign to move them.
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Unread post by Atomic-Chomik »

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Unread post by windeemanic »

I do understand that to some the trees are a iconic feature at the point. The reality is that the point is man made, and the trees are maybe 70 or so years old. I have been a resident for 25 years or so and have witnessed the progressive erosion of the beach at the point. The hard truth is that no matter what CRD or anyone else does, the ocean will reclaim the point. What worries me is that there are decisions being made on how to maintain the point without proper research or expertise on this matter. Also as a tax payer I don't approve dumping money down a bottomless pit. The last bad-aid lasted 7 months. By the way, eagles don't nest in those trees.
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Unread post by windeemanic »

I would like to see what a danger tree accessor would say about those trees.
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Unread post by winddude »

Can we replace the trees, with a much sturdier metal pole, complete with wind meter and cam? It will reduce more greenhouse gasses then a tree by saving us from driving up when conditions suck. Environmentalists rejoice!!
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Unread post by KUS »

As becoming usual for me with this website, I'm now sorry I sent that email and posted this.
The trees are only at a level 2 disturbance danger tree assessment wise, I noted no defects excepting some now exposed root ends, will have another look :roll:
Why do I care, it just causes stress :?
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Oh come on Kus... don't pretend you don't love it. And we do too, if you didn't post here then none of us would have a reason to visit either!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol:
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Unread post by GWIND »

After a nano long deliberation, I have it. Being a bit of a danger tree asseccor myself, I have been worrying about those trees, and the campground, and the dam and all the peoples. So, we need to solve this dilemma all together. I propose evacuating the locals, closing the road and blowing the dam. Simple. More real estate for the kiters, larger beach, pesky trees gone no danger of any one getting hurt. Win win
Oh ya I have a plan for the Tsunami too ! post.
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