review: Rustoleum anti-slip spray

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downwind dave
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review: Rustoleum anti-slip spray

Unread post by downwind dave »

i saw this at the hardware store and gave it a go, on my ws board and sup.
This stuff is about 1/2 as gritty as monster traction paint, which is not that grippy either. id put it at around 220 grit. with booties on it is barely noticeable. on the plus side i shook on a little acrylic dust onto the wet clearcoat which now seems ok. the final thing i want to mention is it is not really clear, in fact it is pretty yellow so if you spray it on a white board you will get a nice placquey look. overall score 3/10. :D

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Unread post by winddude »

does the monster traction paint stay more clear then the rust-olium?
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Lawrence <a href="">'Wind Dude'</a> Stewart
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downwind dave
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Unread post by downwind dave »

it does stay pretty clear, it was on my board already and i noticed immediately when the rustoleum stuff went on over top. i've only seen the monster stuff at island surfco.
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