OR trainer kite wind needed to fly

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OR trainer kite wind needed to fly

Unread post by Joostio »

Anyone have experience with Ocean Rodeos inflatable trainer kite? What wind ranges is this thing fly able in? Thanks.
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Unread post by Aboba »

You need a constant 15 knots for a decent experience, 20 is better. Don't fly it much more than 25 until you have a lot of practice.
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Meanwhile their ram air one probably flies in 10-12 from what I've seen at Nitinat.
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Unread post by juandesooka »

IMHO it starts working at 10kts and it is excellent practice to learn to keep it in the air underpowered. A combination of footwork (moving backwards to keep tension in lines) and good kite control. That practice transfers over directly to good kite control with the big kite.

But you need 15-20 steady to practice all the other stuff: hovering kite at side of window, flying kite with eyes closed, water relaunching, simulating water starts, dragging yourself in power stroke, etc. Even body dragging, but more downwind than side wind. Lots you can do for lesson prep.
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Unread post by Ned »

Ram Air - 10+ knots
React 2m - 12+ knots (less if you are already an experienced kiter)
Rise (old) 2m - 18+ knots (again, less if you are already an experienced kiter)
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