Nitinat in June

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Nitinat in June

Unread post by Greenkiteskier »

Hi I've been to Nitinat several times but always in august. This year my wife and I have a wedding to attend in Van and are thinking of going to Nitinat in late June early July. I've heard there is wind and lot's of it. Just wondering if she will be able to kayak in the morning like she enjoys in August or if there will be too long a wind day and too much for her. I realize no one knows for sure but any general knowledge would be helpful...Thanks
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Unread post by firstonlastoff »

It is a rare early morning that a SUP or a kayak is not visible out on the Lake. As for sailable wind, a decent thermal gradient (delta Temperature from Bamfield or Tofino to Port ALberni) is needed meaning wind usually starts after a civilized breakfast has been enjoyed. And as all who visit the Lake know, for higher wind speeds, fog or a frontal system pressure push is needed. Enjoy.
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Unread post by abetanzo »

check this out for the historic data... you can see for June the winds start up pretty consistently late in the mornings.
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Unread post by Greenkiteskier »

Hey thanks for that ,both of you. I can see now that the anecdotal evidence I heard was just that and only someones temporary experience. Looking forward to a good nitinat summer
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Unread post by more force 4 »

My GF and I often kayak down the lake in the morning, getting about 5 miles down to a big waterfall, or going the other way up the Nitinat River till the rapids make it difficult to make headway. If you go down the lake and leave it late enough, you get a good push with wind and waves behind you back to the camp - fun if you are reasonably skilled, but might be better to finish earlier if the paddler doesn't have bracing skills. For a casual paddle around the camp and up the Caycuse River, just go out semi-early and come in as soon as the wind starts to kick.
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