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Unread post by gnarf »

I have been hearing some stuff about chemtrails and yesterday noticed a plane making giant circular chemtrails over the Olympic peninsula for quite some time which also happened to coincide with the wind dying...
What’s the deal? I figure the bwd community is heavily weather based and would likely know more about what’s happening and if it has any effect on the local wind conditions.
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Unread post by winddoctor »

Chemtrails or contrails?

Not sure if this would have a major effect on local wind; may have been coincidental?
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Unread post by downwind dave »

Chemtrails are not related to weather, it is all about government mind control. For this reason it should be moved to "Off Topic" . and quickly before it's too late.
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Unread post by shaggy »

Voodman is the BWD expert in this field.
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Unread post by SeaZen »

Seen this allot over the years ... here’s the latest example . Probably seen 20+ planes turning around over the Straight in the hour I was there .
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Unread post by gnarf »

downwind dave wrote:Chemtrails are not related to weather, it is all about government mind control. For this reason it should be moved to "Off Topic" . and quickly before it's too late.
I have to disagree - if you put aside the conspiracy theories about wether modification or mind control (I’m not really super informed about those just bs on the beach etc) you will notice if you are outside as much as I am that the contrails are visible on some days and invisible on others (as explained in windocs link and also explained to me in person by a few people after I originally posted the topic). On the clear visible days they last for hours and spread out slowly and create some sort of cloudy haze that usually makes a wicked sunset. My point is that these clouds created could have an effect on a weak thermal maybe make it like an hour of 12m instead of a
2-3 hour wave slaying session... not that far of a stretch is it?
Just for reference I’m referring to the local jdf thermal and the planes that circle out over the end of the Olympic pennisula as they are waiting to land in Seattle that I’m assuming Seazen is referring to.
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Unread post by GWIND »

Chemtrails , that’s when I pee in the snow. Ha
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December 8/2018

Unread post by SeaZen »

A whole lot of “condensation “ trails over the straight yesterday . Weird how they wouldn’t dissipate, rather merge together to form a thick haze creating a sun dog rainbow on either size od the sun .

Hard to believe this a natural phenomenon caused by ice crystals or a different type of jet fuel being used . Not to say it’s being used to depopulate the planet by come on.

With all focus on environment protection why is this considered to be normal.

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