Pipeline is wrong!! Be strong!

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Pipeline is wrong!! Be strong!

Unread post by KUS »


Hello to you!

And: Oh my God, I am so terribly sorry! I’m an immigrant to Canada since 1977. I’m proud to be here ....usually....but not today.

I’m ashamed of my community, my province, and this country for letting things go ahead the way they have been. I want you to know that I would stand with you if my economic situation would allow and if my income, job and livelihood would not be affected if I was arrested with you or yours.
Again: I am so terribly sorry, I (we) feel helpless and can only watch and voice our outrage and opposition to this oppressive approach. The RCMP are just paid puppets, please don’t fight with them or harm them!

Mr. Trudeau is a liar and yes, two faced, a well proven fact by now. How can you live with yourself after all this first nations talk, Mr Trudeau?? Do you remember your promises to Gord Downey?? To all of us? To them??

Mr. Horgan though greatly respected by me/us for what he has achieved has been suspiciously silent....governments collaborating with the energy board and fossil fuel community leaders, basically scum on the bottom of cesspools! I do hope there is justice somewhere, if not here then after

But insults don't solve things, money may!

My deepest sympathies, it takes a lot of strength, courage, patience and virtue to look after your land and those that depend on it and to stand up for what you believe in! Maybe one day, just one day.... people will do right by you. Please advise how i may contribute to your legal team efforts!

Sincerely Markus Koloska, Parksville BC.

Cc. John Horgan; premier@gov.bc.ca Justin Trudeau. justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca
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