more force 4
Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 1006
This Year: 37
Saturday July 16, 2005
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Saturday July 16, 2005
Toys Used:
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SSW 18 - 25 Nit chop
5.00 hours
Seatrend Accelerator 89 Bic Adagio 107 Ezzy Wave 5.0 Ezzy Wave 5.8 Sailworks Retro 7.5
Started 7.5 then wind quickly built. Went in to rig 5.8, by the time it was rigged it was 5.0, sailed 5.0 and 89 litre board nicely powered for about an hour, it dropped off, had a few runs 5.8 on the board before it dropped even more. Tired enough I didn't bother with 7.5, could have sailed another 1 or 2 hours. First jibe a classic planing step jibe, then couldn't do another as good the rest of the weekend!