Log Started: Sunday August 22, 2004
Total Records: 1320
This Year: 82
Thursday January 26, 2006
Willows Bch, Windsurfing
Thursday January 26, 2006
Toys Used:
Willows Bch, Windsurfing
SE 20 - 33 small chop, big trees
1.00 hours
Wind Obsession Fish 92 L 7'8" Ezzy Wave SE 5.0
Rushed around trying to get my kit together after work and an appointment. Just enough time for about an hour of good light. Markus already out on 4.8 and his Jesus stick. Seemed windier. It was. Many sphincter tightening runs as I was just missing the forest of logs strewn in my path. Had multiple jumps only to look down on a nice deadhead grinning up at me. Managed to avoid all of the logs and sticks somehow. Worst day for wood I've seen. High fibre sailing. Had one splatty forward off of a meagre little ramp. Eventually got blown off the water.
Sorta fun, wish I'd had time to go to IV...