Log Started: Wednesday July 7, 2004
Total Records: 294
This Year: 0
Tuesday May 16, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
Tuesday May 16, 2006
Toys Used:
Cook Street, Windsurfing
W 15 - 20 chop, ugly outside
1.70 hours
RRD Freestyle Wave 100 100L Ezzy Wave SE 5.0
What a blast :D BWD's loop action kicked up the stoke-o-meter. so warm, and great loop-o-matic ramps on the inside. Worked on thinking about looping with a straight front arm and holy, what a difference. :o The outside, well, that was a boiling cesspool of ugly. Not sure what was going on there. Did everyone flush at the same time. :wink: Nice smooth section for tacks just before it got ugly. Too much fun. :twisted: