Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 231
This Year: 0
Sunday June 25, 2006
Pipers Lgn, Windsurfing
Sunday June 25, 2006
Toys Used:
Pipers Lgn, Windsurfing
NW 15 - 20 small swell
2.00 hours
Mistral Score 104 Ezzy Wave 5.8
Glad to get in an unexpected late afternoon sesh at Piper's. On my own of course - the morning crew was long gone. Sesh started with a bad omen - my harness bar cracked and folded open. Luckily I noticed the start of the crack last time and had a back up. Then 2 hours of fun in the sun mostly planing and sometimes good and powered on the 5.8. Cruising and working the freestyle skills with the best heli tacks on my usually weak starboard side ever. Annoying end to the day as some A-hole nicked the screwdrivers I left on the beach :evil: