Log Started: Sunday January 1, 2006
Total Records: 225
This Year: 11
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Toys Used:
Gordons, Windsurfing
W 25 - 30 swell and steep hate ramp
3.00 hours
Starboard EVO 74 Severne Blade 4.7
Best day of the season for me. Hooked up with johnny Atkinson for a blast from the past. Wind filled in nicely all the way to the beach. Solidly wound on the 4.7. Nailed a bunch of loops, upwind 360's and Very close on a couple backies today. Will I ever stick one of those little hateful manoeuvers? Good vibe on the aqua today. Burgers and beer with John and Wingnut.