Log Started: Monday August 7, 2006
Total Records: 71
This Year: 0
Monday August 7, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Monday August 7, 2006
Toys Used:
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
WSW 20 - 30 swelly at times
2.00 hours
RRD FREESTYLE/WAVE BWD's old unit 90 LTR. eeeeeeezzy SE WAVE 4.5 5.0 5.8 OLD UNI JOINT
[color=blue:fe0ea542fa][/color:fe0ea542fa] :D sunday/one of the better days ever for me at nitwit
good solid 5.0 -not gusty. monday was slow to start -turned good 5.0 on this side with really fun waves 1.5-2.0 hrs. I, think I saw randy with a looping HELMET on. I, love the higher wind, they keep the kiting schools off the water. so we don't have to slalom the tea bags or smell their stinking
gasoline fumes.