Log Started: Monday November 1, 2004
Total Records: 52
This Year: 0
Thursday November 16, 2006
Island View, Kitesurfing
Thursday November 16, 2006
Toys Used:
Island View, Kitesurfing
SE 14 - 25 Chopped up, 2-3' swell
2.00 hours
Litewave Freeride 136 GK Sonic 8.0 Globerider Sonic 11.0
Sunny, fairly warm.
Started on the 8, but it dropped.
Came back in to change, and richard and ross were there to do some product testing.
I chose the 11, should have gone with the 14.
But I was still able to have fun for a while till it dropped.
OR new 07 kite's looks pretty sweet, and the boards I saw whoa..
They were so interesting looking I would have [b:c97e26706a]loved[/b:c97e26706a] to have tried them.
There was one, I was eyeing. They jokingly called it the outlaw's return, because they haven't named it yet. Richard said if I'd been riding that one I'd have been rocketing upwind; ending up in Victoria, even by the end when I was starting to have some trouble staying upwind with my board.
Mike P? I think showd up, but to late as well as a girl sorry can't remember your name. (Just got new Vegas's)
Nice November day!
Oh yeah.. got to ride down the line of a few waves today. Pretty cool!!