Log Started: Saturday August 21, 2004
Total Records: 186
This Year: 0
Monday October 25, 2004
Island View, Kitesurfing
Monday October 25, 2004
Toys Used:
Island View, Kitesurfing
SSE 27 - 40 Waves and heavy swell
3.00 hours
EH! custom 130x33 tiny ocean rodeo gold 10 meter
Heavy Day at the view, :shock: :EARLY ; Insane conditions,enough to take your breath away, :oops: gusting heavy pushing wind,Waves were not small,Ebb tide made things interesting.Pushing the envelope,for sure.New kite working well,felt sweet and stable.Even when the wind strength serged.Getting large airs,counting wave crests going by,one,two,three,shoottttttt!!!!!! Yeh baby!Made a second run later that afternoon,still 10,light and gusty. :roll: tide ebbing again waves were A wee bit smaller though. . 8)