more force 4
Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 1006
This Year: 37
Sunday August 20, 2023
Pipers Lgn, Windsurfing
Sunday August 20, 2023
Toys Used:
Pipers Lgn, Windsurfing
NW 20 - 28 Rollers
1.00 hours
Goya Quad 92 Ezzy Wave SE 4.0 Ezzy Elite 4.7
Pipers served up a fin board meat between wing bread slices for my 70th birthday sail (the day is tomorrow but the sail was today). Went out 4.7 and it was gloriously powered but a beast to clear and get going. Hadn't sailed fin for a year. 4.0 was a little light by the time I had it rigged but was sooooo good once planing. So fun getting air even trying to minimize it. Went faster than I've sailed in a long time. The footpad glue kept shedding pieces and had to go back to winging. Great to see Chris and Janet sailing!