Log Started: Monday June 18, 2007
Total Records: 137
This Year: 1
Monday August 21, 2023
Cowichan Lake, Wingfoiling
Monday August 21, 2023
Toys Used:
Cowichan Lake, Wingfoiling
WNW 4 - 12 8"
1.00 hours
KT Wing Drifter - Thanks Jesse! 105L OR Glide 5.0 Armstrong V200 Tail Armstrong 60cm Fuse Armstrong 72cm Mast Armstrong HS1850
The plan was to try out T's brand new board tow foiling. It ended up being windy enough to use the 5m. Steep learning curve. I think I figured out the wing. Foil not so much. Some uncontrolled short flights then stalling or impressive acceleration then crash! Such a different sensation for this foil newbie. Hard to figure out what weight movement or foot placement does what. By the end I was getting closer to figuring out the foot sweet spot and I was able to stay upwind slogging. Ridiculously little speed needed to get on foil. I may try the 1550 next time which may be better for my weight. Shins and knees took a beating - drawback of just wearing board shorts and rashie. The lake is toasty; falling in made me feel warmer! Beautiful place. Thank you host MH for the guide boat, which provided peace of mind and confidence just to try stuff.