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  • Sailor
     more force 4 Thursday June 27, 2024
    Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
    This Year: 31
    more force 4


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 1000
    This Year: 31

    Thursday June 27, 2024 Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
     Thursday June 27, 2024 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     Ross Bay, Wingfoiling WSW 15 - 20
    some nice some cross chop
    0.70 hours Takuma BT 100
    KT Wing Air 5.0
    F-one Phantom 1280
    Perfect 5.0 wind, just a few holes and those almost all near shore. Foiled through my first jibe but fell after a few seconds of toe side. Outside working way better than inside, went toe side for a few seconds or at least was around and jibed the wing. But even the inside ones were closer. Had some really nice flagged out runs, some fast runs down quartering waves going shoreward, and got taken down instantly by a chunk of submerged kelp. Started blowing every jibe half way through and came in. Great way to end a work day!
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-