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  • Sailor
     TunaCan Thursday September 26, 2024
    Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
    This Year: 43


    Log Started:
    Thursday December 29, 2022
    Total Records: 130
    This Year: 43

    Thursday September 26, 2024 Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
     Thursday September 26, 2024 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     Ross Bay, Wingfoiling WSW 5 - 20
    odd knee high wave
    1.00 hours
    Rain was persistent, so ended up having multiple pints in a certain pub. Cleared and wind seemed to pickup. Upon freeing myself of all the kelp (finally showed up) URL yelled at me to slow down, so i yelled at him to speed up - classic url. I did do a drag race with Puff Daddy who was down in our wing zone for some reason. Felt like I was keeping up at first, but those kites have a few more gears.
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-