Log Started: Sunday October 17, 2004
Total Records: 1813
This Year: 51
Friday June 5, 2009
Gordons, Windsurfing
Friday June 5, 2009
Toys Used:
Gordons, Windsurfing
WSW 23 - 31 sweet waves
2.30 hours
OES XWave 98L KA Kaos 09 4.7 KA Kult 5.3 Wave fin 22-28
Wow :twisted: ditched 5.3 after 2 runs of flats & crap chop, heavy wind w/decent waves outside only to have inside waves materialize :D
MidIsle crew got a great day, very cool to see all playing hard. Waves so nice to ride inside, unusual for this place. Waves not as big as sometimes outside at Gords but supersmooth and organized, certainly one of the funnest days ever. Love the OES, can't wait for my 85 :!:
Sail 12 Wave 9-10 (certainly 10 for Gordos) Jump 9
accidentally unhooked at hi speed, thought I blew my left achilles :evil: just add one more injury to the growing list :roll: Kept sailing cuz what else could possibly happen worse than missing this day :?: Landed 3 superhi backies on the board only to let it slip :x still the airtime & nosing the board into the waves from up high is such a thrill. I seem to need way more air to complete the rotation so when it does work for me wish I had it on video, felt like a hero out there today among many :)