Windsurf Vancouver to Squamish

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Windsurf Vancouver to Squamish

Unread post by cathulu »

Hi, my first post!

I windsurf at Nitinat a couple of times a year, bumped into a few of you I am sure.

Anyways, I was wondering, has anyone ever windsurfed from Vancouver to Squamish? I am thinking of having a go at this in June or ealry July.

My plan is to get a big floaty board with a centreboard (probably rent one from Windsure as I don't have something like that), use a 6.0m2 sail or so, tie a paddle to the mast, and tie a waterproof bag with safety supplies (food, water, emergency overnight gear, cell, etc). I want to be able to slog for hours safely. Maybe I will get a spot emergency beacon.

Leave from the tip of UBC, head towards Bowen Island. The problem is I have to cross the ferry lanes, so that will have to be timed carefully. I might have to paddle across the ferry lanes and a bit along the east side of Bowen Island.

Or is the better option to go all the way across to Gibsons? That is a serious distance to cover. There is a narrow channel running along the west side between the sunshine coast and Bowen / Gambier. I think the wind might be more reliable on that side but it is narrow and I have no idea. I know some of the areas don't have much wind. There can be some pretty large wind shadows that I must avoid. I will have to study some marine maps and charts before I get the planning done.

Anyways, I will leave on a Saturday and if necessary I am going to rough it in the woods overnight in a emergency bivy with a mosquitoe net, and a nice little fire!

Anyways, I would appreciate any better local knowledge, any tips from anyone else that has done something anything like this. Maybe next year I will have a go crossing Georgia Straight if this works out.

I will follow-up with posts and pictures once the deed is done.

I recognize I might have to leave from Sunset Beach or Lions Bay due to the Ferry difficulty, but I feel that will be a bit of a cheat... I know people have sailed from Britannia Beach to Squamish.
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Unread post by Skeltic »

I have done it on a 49er, not as long a trip as you might think.
Downwind the whole way shifty from broad reach to broad reach. Looking back at our track we went in a straight line jibing when the wind shifted . Good times really safe because you are never that far from land.
Go with a friend. Check the weather for an inflow. Do it
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georgia strait

Unread post by duckbill »

Dave crosses Georgia strait almost every year as a fundraiser. He and Eastside are crossing together in July. Check with Eastside for more details if you are looking at a Georgia Strait crossing.
like a duck to water
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