Gear left on the launch pad

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Gear left on the launch pad

Unread post by trippingoverkitegear »

would all those morons that are kiting at the Nat please stop leaving your kites, lines,boards, dogs and general crap on the launch area. It would be nice if there was a 10 foot section for launching and landing! Its only going to get worse. it only takes a minute to roll up your gear between sessions. Besides flogging your kites to death makes more work for the kite doctor.It would make things alot safer as well.
wow I sound like a bitter kiter yikes oh well its out there now~

Unread post by adam »

Grow up “tripping”. There are as many moron windsurfers as moron kiters out there. All of this animosity between windsurfers and kiters is pure unfounded bull shit, it sickens me to see it growing. Ignorance breeds hate, and its coming from both sides. I have to trip over your gear too, so watch who you’re callin a moron. Most of us do wind up our lines when we come in, but when we’re launching, they’re spread out. It’s really quite simple to watch where you’re walking enough to avoid tripping, but morons may have trouble dealing with such a thing. And do you derig your sail between sessions to clear up some beach space? Didn’t think so (FYI – a windsurfing rig takes up almost as much space as a kite, in case you didn’t notice). Windsurfers are just as guilty as kiters of leaving dogs, crap, and gear cloggin up the beach, and as far as garbage being left around, there’s pigs in both groups . No one owns the water or the beach except the natives, and they let us use it, we need to share it. We’re all in this together, doing the same thing, having fun with the wind. Most of us are friends out there, and when I say we I mean kiters and windsurfers, and we’re not gonna let “dogs” like you and the “general crap” coming out of your mouth ruin our good time. Quit playin the victim and look at what you’re doing here.


Unread post by trippingover »

Adam I am a Kiter
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Gear stuff people

Unread post by Brick Top »

Don't you all see what's happening here?

TOO MANY PEOPLE. That's it in a nutshell. We will all have to get used to that especially at Nitnat (and on a long weekend for god sakes). Throw in an massively growing sport like kitesurfing into a traditional windsurfing area and there are bound to be some problems.

I do agree with the first post. If your up for the day don't lay out three or four kites on the runway, you can only use one at a time. There is limited space for launching and landing. It ticks me off to see people packing their gear up, setting up three or more kites and just leaving them while they go off for hours out on the water.

Time to look for a new magic spot.
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busy beach

Unread post by asscrack »

Let's put things in prospective here. :? Some common sense rules. :roll: This was a busy weekend at Nitnat.More people than usual.That was to be expected,Long weekend and all.Everyone kitesurfing needs to just pay more attention to leaving the {RUNWAY} clear as possible for the kiter's who are ready to go.This weekend everyone, seemed to leave everything in the way,unused gear,including windsurfer's,were left haphazardly.Obviously frustrating many. :oops: It is just going to get worse,unless everyone is made aware.Just pass the word.And use common sense. :D
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Unread post by ~ pimp hand ~ »

trippingover wrote:Adam I am a Kiter
that's what i thought when i read your post ... Adam needs to chill tryin' to start shit!

anyhow, i havn't been to tha nat in a while, but i was under the impression tha kiters were hangin' upwind by tha creek. sooo shouldn't be a prob ... each group can have the choice to leave thier area cluttered or not 8)

one thing that really pisses me off is when i see someone disconnect thier sail and board, then walk away with board, leaving this loAded weApon :twisted: ready to take someone out :shock: ... jus saw this the other day at gordo's
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Unread post by Topher »

First off I am a kiter. Second, rigging more than one kite at a time has its value, as does rigging more than one sail. When the Nat goes 16 kits at noon, most want to be out on a 16+ m, when it picks up to 20+ most want to come in and switch to their 12+m, and when it nukes 30knots well, most go in for good, but some switch to their 10's and go off. No body wants to miss time on the water for wrigging time. Both sports know that!! So if you think you will be switching kites during the day pump up all three and stack them with your buddies. I know the last time my crew went up to the Nat we had 9 kites all pumped up, but piled together closer to the forest - out of the way of launch and landing pad and taking up not much more space than one kite. CALM DOWN everyone and just spread the word on the beach. As people before you move kites, but don't be afraid to take the initiative organize the spectrum of unused kites.
ENJOY THE WIND - remember how special a place Nitnat is, and lets all not be so laze. Make it a welcoming place for new users, just pass on the rules and everyone will look out for each other - both ON and OFF the water.


Unread post by rs »

well I think I agree with AC simple common sense would go along way. It was very busy at the Nat this weekend however a little runway space would be appreciated. Adam have a beer dude!


Unread post by Aaron »

Alright, same discussion different place. Everybody leaves too much crap on the beach, pumping up your kite only takes two minutes unless you broke your arm or something...don't leave your crap in the way!

As far as kiters getting delegated to the river or something like that... go suck an egg. I get to use the whole lake like everyone else. If it scares some windsurfers because they don't understand then that is too bad for them. I got two words for you: get educated. Otherwise shut up. I am tired of getting sworn at on the water every day. I have yet to hear a kiter swearing at a windsurfer. As far as Tom preventing Adam from using the log to slide on because that is the 'windsurfing area'...I don't see any kiters standing in the water up the beach preventing windsurfers from launching and landing etc.

Everyone needs to grow up and quit acting like they need to designate part of the lake for one user and part for the other. Kiters will need to understand windsurfers and vice versa. That is what we see with good kiters and windsurfers who know each other, they actually ride together and do really cool stuff like Grant and ?? (sorry dude don't know your name).

Anyway, if you're in such a bad mood that you are bringing other people down then go away and put yourself in isolation for a while. I get mad, we all get mad, it's how you act especially towards other users that counts.

Hope to see you all on the water (less the ones who want to swear at me).
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Unread post by downwind dave »

soon enough kites will be so popular they will cover the full main beach. pole surfers, will be displaced to the margins of the area, and like wildlife spotted only occasionaly. We are only now into the awkward transition stage where both types of recreationalists must co-mingle so i suggest patience and cooperation amongst all while we let nature take its course.

Unread post by Guest »

Two key points;
Firstly, it's a kiting rule that a kite shouldn't be left with lines attached (loaded gun) so the lines complaint is reasonable.
However (second point) using words like "moron" dosen't really make any positive contribution to the discussion. Maybe if the posting said that the beach gets cluttered on busy days so try not to leave stuff out if you don't need to, it would have been more graciously received.
However (new point)
are people who bring their dogs to go wind/kite surfing morons or what? Oh, it's so cool for your dog to run around pissing and crapping on whatever and eating everybody's food and fighting while you are out sailing. And why are the biggest dogs that just gave you a look like you could be dinner always the "babies" their owners insisit they are. I just don't get it. Dogs hate windsurfing and kitsurfing...leave them at home...please.
Stay Home

Unread post by Stay Home »

Why don't people who piss and Sh*t in the bushes stay at home? Why don't people who leave their garbage and crap all over the place stay at home? Why don't people who Bitch and WHINE and Complain stay at home? Thank God you're all gone now, I can have my beach back.
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Unread post by more force 4 »

the long weekend was very busy, but I think it has been busier on WIRED weekends. I was surprised it was as uncrowded on the water as it was (maybe I can steer now, that sure helps :oops: ). I'll echo the comment about sail rigs unconnected to boards - I caught one in the air as it came down the beach at me :evil: and saw another couple start to lift. Seems to be a problem later afternoon when the wind gets a little squirrly at the leeward end of the beach. A woman and her son were sorting out kite lines in the middle of the windsurfing beach - they managed to pull the ends tight as I tried to step over them :roll: -- can't this be done at the upwind end? Scariest thing was that disconnected yellow kite that blew through a hundred metres or so out. I saw two different windsurfers chase it down and try to control it - I was thinking of KS Dale's comments about "just stay the hell away" watching the first guy start to loose the kite and the lines go over the top of him, flipping his board. Guess he was alright, then another board tried to catch it down by the village. Just let it blow by, guys, if there's no civilians around for it to hit .... And lets all take a deep breath ...
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