Garbage at the Nitinaht

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Post by downwind dave »

Hi Kevin, do you know if there really a bottle collection going on? because some folks seem to be under this impression. looking at the pile of trash beside the noteboard, I decided to keep my cans, and then picked up a bunch of stuff that was clearly not returnable. People are seeing a trash pile and thinking they can add their own.. some bear is going to scatter the whole mess soon.
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Re: Garbage

Post by Vik »

GWIND wrote:You're a good man Teabag, but my point is that you shouldn't have to pick up other peoples trash all the time. People should be more respectful or they should be asked to leave.
That would be awesome, but the world I live in [not just Nitnaht] has a lot of sub-par people in it who live like animals. Not much we can do about that - legally anyways! Every place I've ever camped has had garbage issues and there are always people who take care of previous user's garbage.

The question is what are you going to do?

1. set a good example and keep your site clean as well as pick up extra garbage.

2. take care of your own trash and complain bitterly about other people while doing nothing about the problem.

3. live like a pig and dump trash everywhere while not even realizing there is a problem.
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Re: Garbage

Post by nanmoo »

GWIND wrote:You're a good man Teabag, but my point is that you shouldn't have to pick up other peoples trash all the time. People should be more respectful or they should be asked to leave.
Let's be honest G, as people age out of Childhood and no longer have a parent keeping tabs on them they for the most part just become more and more selfish, careless and disrespectful. Those of us who don't follow this pattern will unfortunately spend our lives picking up others peoples trash.
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Post by nanmoo »

downwind dave wrote:Hi Kevin, do you know if there really a bottle collection going on? because some folks seem to be under this impression. looking at the pile of trash beside the noteboard, I decided to keep my cans, and then picked up a bunch of stuff that was clearly not returnable. People are seeing a trash pile and thinking they can add their own.. some bear is going to scatter the whole mess soon.
I thought (not 100% here) I had heard earlier in the season, that somone was doing periodic bottle runs and the money was going towards helping the kids at the school do some sort of field trip?
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Re: Garbage

Post by mortontoemike »

nanmoo wrote: Let's be honest G, as people age out of Childhood and no longer have a parent keeping tabs on them they for the most part just become more and more selfish ...
Come on Ed, ya gotta jump in here don't ya? It's a perfect setup for you.
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Post by rvanderbyl »

Let's just skip all the bull here. The original idea here is if you pack it in, then you can pack it out too! If someone wants to do a bottle drive then let them come to your site and ask for bottles. As far as the garbage goes, I've been cleaning up after others for years. If a few more of you did that it wouldn't be so bad. It's a sad thing when you pull into a camp site that looks clean at a glance but once you're set up you notice all the little bits of garbage everywhere!
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Post by SaltSpringKiterPeaceGuy »

Hi all,

I've been out of range for a few days, but am pleased to see all of the great posts. Great discussion that I hope will bring some positive change.

Couple of things:

1) Kevin and Christine were doing bottle pick up. They're gone. There's a pile at their site. First person in with a truck will make some cash if they've got the time. It may be me. I'm desperate right now.

2) I love the pack it out idea.

3) Confronting people in a positive way is great if you've got the stomach. Not everyone does.

4) Some signs would be great. They should encourage being good stewards of the land and leaving it cleaner than we found it.......etc etc. I may get the kids going on it next spring. Good project cause ultimately it's their backyard too. It'd be nice if we set a good example.

5) The reality is not everyone does set a good example and so I hope that perhaps they'll be reading this and questioning if they could do better by not leaving toxic cigarette butts lying around, petroleum based plastics lying around for birds to eat, and just generally cleaning up.

6) Barring really bad weather I'll be around this weekend and will be helping clean up. Anyone's more than welcome to join with smiles, kites, food and stoke.

7) Thanks all.

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Post by bbthelooper »

This is only one of many problems with the campsite. When the Windsurfing society managed the campsite we were held to a higher standard. The tables and outhouses had to be pressure washed by a certain day each year, then they all had to have a fresh coat of paint on them by another date, and so on. I have never seen anything cleaned let alone painted since the society had the contract taken away.

I for one would like to contact the Ministry of Forestry to lodge a complaint and ask what duties the current management is responsible for.

Can someone come back with an appropriate e-mail address to do this?
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Post by more force 4 »

I haven't been to the Nat much this year; it did look messier than ever each trip although there seemed to be fewer people in the camp. I think some of the problems, like damage to trees, has lessened since the extra campsites were put in and the 'no parking posts' closed some areas to vehicles, so its not all bad news. I admit I parked too close to a tree and ran over the root when I shouldn't have last weekend; at least I felt a twinge of guilt.

I used to bring extra garbage out with me when I used a pickup; now I have a van, I'm reluctant to do this, so I haven't been contributing to cleaning up as much as I used to. Kudos to those that do!!

The washrooms were in disgusting shape last weekend and got worse from Sat to Sun. Toilet paper and empty spools all over the floor, draped in/out of the toilet, the toilets broken and loose on the floor, latches broken, etc etc., garbage piled outside. Yuck. Obviously they must be cleaned once in a while (or they'd be even worse) but I was tempted to go and ask for my $10 back to make a point.
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New management

Post by GWIND »

The campground must still be part of the park system. Is there any chance of the park getting someone new to operate it. As I see it nobody has managed it for quite some time. Conditions have been on a very steep slide downward since Dale left, and first and foremost, it's not a windsurf park or a kitesurf park..It's supposed to be a park for every body to enjoy.

I am going to see if I can find out what the story is with the lease or contract with the park. Something has got to change.
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Re: New management

Post by nanmoo »

GWIND wrote:I am going to see if I can find out what the story is with the lease or contract with the park. Something has got to change.
Yay! privatization of our parks :twisted: :evil: :twisted: As little input and maintenance in as possible + maximum value of the contract = Profit Motive. Shitty way to manage our parks, or just about anything else where quality is a concern for that matter.
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Post by norona »

This has been an informative post and I will add my 2 cents!

I do a lot of remote camping with mountain biking and dirt biking and I am always amazed how clean some of the areas I visit are, especially when there is no one watching over.

I too have noticed a change in Nitinaht over the summer and since Dale left as manager.

I was there last week and noticed that huge pile of bottles-garbage by the not board and although I think the bottle drive is great it actually just makes people lazy and they litter more as i see more than just bottles.

I always adhere to the pack in pack out and don't leave anything and if you can pack more out, however no one wants to touch other peoples garbage.

I also noticed the washrooms were horrible. Who pisses on the seat still, numerous times I have seen this, guys piss in the forrest or put the seat up and teach your kids the same, amazing I even see crap on the toilets! Are there people out there that still don't know how to take a crap properly, it would seem so.

Also people driving around the campsite at mach 10, okay 15-20km plus with dust spewing up behind them multiple times a morning or day.

The beach has also been a little bit dirtier with bottles and garbage and I think some of this has to do with the fire ban but also just laziness when others see garbage they are more likely to leave garbage. The dog crap has seem to improved a bit but I think I have just seen less dogs...

The other thing I have seen is campers parked indefinitely. The sign states that 14 days is the longest stay before moving. If we are going to allow people to break these rules by paying for the month to leave their vehicle parked then how can we expect others to follow other rules. The rules need to stick and I understand if someone pays for camping for the entire month to have a spot then that is a significant amount of money for the village, however it is not fair to others who show up and can't find an ideal spot cause some camper is sitting on it unused. If this same person showed up with their trailer and all the spots were gone but some people were not using them they would be pissed too. At least they should have a sign that dictates that someone can use the site if they are not there and when they will be returning...common sense and courtesy seems it has not been a problem so far but it will as more people bring in and park their 5th wheels for the summer...I understand it is a long rough road in but maybe a deal could be made with the village to house the rv's when not in use and spots can be opened up...we all don't want more rules but as people push the envelope more and more then it is what we need to ensure everyone has fun...

Common sense is not that common I guess, we love nitinaht for the wind, people and atmosphere however it seems just a few don't get it...the best way is to set a good example as much as you can and hope it improves.

Thanks for all the people who pick up more than they bring in, drive a respectable speed especially when it is dry and dusty and know how to take a crap properly and don't piss on the seat...
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Post by nanmoo »

norona wrote:The other thing I have seen is campers parked indefinitely. The sign states that 14 days is the longest stay before moving. If we are going to allow people to break these rules by paying for the month to leave their vehicle parked then how can we expect others to follow other rules. The rules need to stick and I understand if someone pays for camping for the entire month to have a spot then that is a significant amount of money for the village, however it is not fair to others who show up and can't find an ideal spot cause some camper is sitting on it unused. If this same person showed up with their trailer and all the spots were gone but some people were not using them they would be pissed too. At least they should have a sign that dictates that someone can use the site if they are not there and when they will be returning...common sense and courtesy seems it has not been a problem so far but it will as more people bring in and park their 5th wheels for the summer...I understand it is a long rough road in but maybe a deal could be made with the village to house the rv's when not in use and spots can be opened up...we all don't want more rules but as people push the envelope more and more then it is what we need to ensure everyone has fun...
People are not only doing this with 5th wheels and campers, but plain old tents! Twice this summer I got to the lake on a Thursday and there was a tent or two that sitting in a marked site, and folks who had been there all week said it had been vacant, just holding the spot for the weekend! Bollocks!
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Post by norona »

nanmoo wrote:
norona wrote:The other thing I have seen is campers parked indefinitely. The sign states that 14 days is the longest stay before moving. If we are going to allow people to break these rules by paying for the month to leave their vehicle parked then how can we expect others to follow other rules. The rules need to stick and I understand if someone pays for camping for the entire month to have a spot then that is a significant amount of money for the village, however it is not fair to others who show up and can't find an ideal spot cause some camper is sitting on it unused. If this same person showed up with their trailer and all the spots were gone but some people were not using them they would be pissed too. At least they should have a sign that dictates that someone can use the site if they are not there and when they will be returning...common sense and courtesy seems it has not been a problem so far but it will as more people bring in and park their 5th wheels for the summer...I understand it is a long rough road in but maybe a deal could be made with the village to house the rv's when not in use and spots can be opened up...we all don't want more rules but as people push the envelope more and more then it is what we need to ensure everyone has fun...
People are not only doing this with 5th wheels and campers, but plain old tents! Twice this summer I got to the lake on a Thursday and there was a tent or two that sitting in a marked site, and folks who had been there all week said it had been vacant, just holding the spot for the weekend! Bollocks!
These are the same people who in a snow storm shovel off the front street and then put a chair or box to indicate they own the spot...they are clueless to anyone else...they should take those 5th wheels park them at the dump with doors open and when the people come back say someone paid $11 dollars per night so we had to move your trailer and see what their attitude would be, ha ha
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Post by AC »

Not that most of you even care.
I will be at the lake saterday ,night and sunday .
and will be collecting all of the garbage of the beach, camp sites,
and from around and filling my truck to take to the dump.

Maybe instead of bitching about things that you will never be able
to change.
Come and help me fill my truck this weekend with all of your crap.
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