BWD mobile site

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BWD mobile site

Unread post by bwd »

The BWD website is now much better to use on a mobile device:

Huge thanks to Keen for his many hours of work on this. It's only been tested on a few devices, mostly iOS- iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and one Android (thanks to TheLaw). So if you have any problems please post here with an explanation. Comments and suggestions are also welcome.

If you add it to the home screen from Safari on an iOS device it should run like an app 8)

Just need a catchy phrase now like:
"Know before you go, but if you've already gone then you can still find out"
"Now you can put BWD in your pants and take it with you"

... or something like that
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Unread post by JL »

" The only mode for on the road " 8) Thank you Dave & team . p.s. I deleted 3 tests from the message board yesterday. :?
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Unread post by BK »

Works great guys... Thank You and way to go!
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Unread post by Keen »

hopefully it's reasonably intuitive but if not here are a few tips:

- touching/clicking the home page banner takes you to the main bwd site
- in the latest reports tab, touching/clicking a row will bring up the 24 hr wind plot
- in the imagery tab, when you're using a small device it will shrink the image. if you touch/click the image once it should show it full size and then you can pan around. touching the image again should restore the shrunken size.
- the underlying technology uses fairly modern browser standards so if you have an old device it might not work... sorry.
- if you use it on a non-touch device you need to simulate scrolling like you're touching the screen. (click, hold down, drag, release)
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Unread post by JL »

The white 25 on the yellow wind predictions doesn't come through for me, otherwise it's awesome on my android. 8)
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Unread post by MikeH »

It doesn't seem to work on a BlackBerry. It reaches a page that says "loading bigwavedave mobile...". Time for a new phone? Possibly
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Unread post by JL »

What's a 'blackberry' :?:
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Unread post by Keen »

JL: if you can screenshot your page it might help me to fix it. The application automatically 'themes' based on your device so it looks quite different on Apple iOS (which I use).

MikeH: I don't have access to a BB device to check it out. Is your operating system up to date? Which device are you using? There are BB simulators available so I might be able to reproduce the issue. You can PM me details if you like.
Also, if there is a way to enable a javascript console in your browser so you can tell me the error I might be able to address it.
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Unread post by JL »

Thanks keen . I will work on that. :shock: ... re0007.jpg You can see the problem I hope. Thanks
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Code sharing for Android

Unread post by Russian Dood »

Hi guys

I was thinking about code sharing for Android (ICS).

- refresh icons so they would show the content of the app.
- refresh icons so they would show the apparent window in the content
- refresh icons and stuff so we can arrange from ICS

the example - you are coming on the page and instead of looking at "bubbly rubly" speed bump page you are looking at something designed by the designer. The input method would be like 15 min, but the output will be great.

And if you don't want to do that - that's cool as well.
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Unread post by BigD »

Nice work Keener! Just got a new iPhone, great timing! 8)
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Unread post by MikeH »

MikeH: I don't have access to a BB device to check it out. Is your operating system up to date? Which device are you using? There are BB simulators available so I might be able to reproduce the issue. You can PM me details if you like.
Also, if there is a way to enable a javascript console in your browser so you can tell me the error I might be able to address it.
It seems to be working now on a bb bold 9900. The device was in fact updated. All I did was delete the cache, cookies and a few useless apps and language supports - whether or not that helped, nobody will know because I didnt check to see if it worked just prior. BWD Mobile looks Fabulous Keen! Noice work :)
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Unread post by more force 4 »

My BB Torch gets the same message as Mike H. Doesn't get past "loading" screen. On the other hand, clearing the cache and allowing popups has made the std browser work better than ever before.
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Unread post by JL »

How about a link to animIR ? I find it more helpful than 2 km IR
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Unread post by Keen »

MF4: I tried BB emulator for Torch 9860 / OS and it seemed to work okay. is your device up to date?
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