Nitinaht - What Services?

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Nitinaht - What Services?

Unread post by heffe222 »

Agreed that Nitinaht is a great place to do windsports, and families and supporters can hang out in a fairly natural environment.

The campsite is Rec Site # REC0272 and is apparently 'Maintained to Standard' under the auspicies of the BC Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts / Recreation Sites and Trails BC. ... &type=Site

And the Site Operator is: Ditidaht Forest Products Ltd.

My question: Since it is currently an area that is completely without any meaningful services, what is the $12 per day camping fee for???

Me and my sailing buddies would like to know why the camping fee is not being applied towards:

:Getting the pot-holed road between the village and campsite fixed
:Having the outhouses better maintained / cleaned / stocked with TP
:Having some fresh (not necessarily potable) water available

At the present time (summer 2012) there are not even these basic services provided, and the only 'servicing' being done is by Darcy Edgar showing up and relieving us of our money. :x

Who's with us in applying a little pressure on the camp operator / Provincial Government to improve these 'Services and Security'? I suggest a fee boycott until some action is taken on the poor conditions of the campsite, and we receive better services for our money.
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Unread post by JL »

I think this is a topic worthy of discussion on the regular part of the site. Thanks for bringing it up heffe222. Remember everyone we all share a common love of kiting, windsurfing & camping PLEASE do not make racial slurs or resort to name calling. Jim Laite BWD mediator
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Unread post by kookkiller »

Having been a solid user of the lake in the 90's and then a 10 year break, and up for a day trip last Sept it had the same vibe to me. In the 90's I thought if we wanted more out of the place there would be a cost involved. Now kind of the same thing, if more is provided the cost may jump up from $12 or whatever to ??? I look at it as camping costs, complain they could go up. If that goes up will there be a day user fee. Be careful what you wish for and the path taken to get there. It took us a long time to set up the little atco trailer deal in the lot beside the store back in the day and the first WIRED which is now Windfest. I think that change comes slowly there and policies are best addressed in the winter for an upcoming season. Unfortunately in winter people forget about the lake and nothing gets done. I'm definitely out of the loop but would like to bring the kids up there one day as they are starting to show an interest in sailing. I would like to help out if there is something that can be done. Not just bitch about it!!
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Unread post by heffe222 »

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread and the one on the main site. My apologies to the energy of my hot-headed comment earlier: I do appreciate that everyone is struggling to get by on this planet...
I am going to keep paying for camping at Nitinaht, and really the main reason I brought up this topic was to see if a group, not just one individual, could motivate someone who is responsible or has accepted the contract to do something about the deteriorating road etc. I have to fight an urge to drive a gravel truck out there and fill the potholes myself! Probably that did happen when it was user maintained, in other years.
I understand that there was once a water pipe to the campsite too, but that deteriorated and wasn't replaced. The water from the village tap is free right now, but that is at the good graces of the village, and the campsite should have its own supply.
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Unread post by JL »

In 86' there were trashed concrete picnic tables & a destroyed water line from a high water/storm in previous years.
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Unread post by eryn »

i thought the hand sanitizer this year was a nice touch! really 12$ for camping is nothing. ive backcountry camped where it cost more then 12$! 86 eh jimmy, think it may be time for you to head back up? theres room in jamie's and my site :) oh and you should change your location seeing as your never out here! think you should change it to french creek! :)
Nobby Raish
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nitnat 'fee'

Unread post by Nobby Raish »

In fairness, it should be pointed out that the 'contract' only obliges the contractees to pick up the money, stock the outhouses--no road maintenance or anything like that. Yes, the charges are absoutely ludicrous but it's the way the govt does things. And the Indians run it more amicably than any of the others did. When our boys had the contract there were a lot of authoritarian hijinks.
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