Nitinat Summer Racing

Races, swaps, beer nights, clinics, etc.


Unread post by Guest »

Bobson, please put me down for one large T and one large longsleave.
Thanks for all the work.
Paul Betts.

Unread post by dwd »

Bobson, do all the shirts say "summar racing series"!? :wink:
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Shirt order

Unread post by Patches »

Bobson, I'm in for a short and long sleeve in Large.

Thanks Dude
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Unread post by Bobson »

Yes, they will all say Nitinat Summer Racing Series. We will be having 2 divisions of racing....1 Serious division and 1 Just for Fun division...for both the slalom and the Course racing so I'm sure most people will get in on at least one of the divisions. How does that sound..?? SMILES!! :D
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Nitinat shirts

Unread post by Bobson »

The shirts have arrived. Please let me know when you'll be by to pick yours up or when a good time to drop them off would be. THANKS.

75% of the proceeds goes to the BIGWAVEDAVE website and 25% goes to the Nitinat Summer Racing Series fund.

Thanks for supporting the sponsors(Trident Performance Sports, Bosun's Locker and Excel Sports).
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Nitnat this weekend?

Unread post by BigD »

I'm hoping to head up this weekend. Any chance you'll be there with a t-shirt for me? :lol:
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T-Shirts at Nitinat this weekend

Unread post by Bobson »

Yes, I'll be at the lake(sounds like the weather will be good) this Friday and Saturday, leaving Saturday night. I would rather sell the shirts here in VIC but will bring some to the lake for people who cannot pick up and I cannot deliver to.


Unread post by Guest »

You wouldn't have a pic of the shirts on line, would you? Also, what's the $$?

Unread post by Guest »

Right, I'm the jackass that asked about the price & an online pic before reading the entire string history (Blush, Blush). If there are still some available, I'd like a long & a short sleeve men's medium please. I'm working out of town but my better half could drop off money / pick up shirts on my behalf. Can you email a reply?
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Can I Get a L or XL short sleeve?

Unread post by Windsurfish »

Hey Bobson,

Hold a short sleeve for me. I'm in Victoria Friday and likely the lake on Sunday - Do you still have any of the masts on your thread left? :?:

Chris :D
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Unread post by Bobson »

Hey Guest, I need your email address to reply as you were just signed in as a guest. You can PM your email address if you want to keep it private or call me on my cell phone at 858-7847.
Old dude


Unread post by Old dude »

Hey Bobson-
I will take an x- large long sleeve and an x-large short sleeve- let me know when and where- then I will come out and pick them up.
Thanks- Geoff-
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Unread post by Martin »

Hi Bobson,

I'll take:

ONE LARGE short sleeve T-shirt

my email


Unread post by Bryan »

Put me in for 1 EXLarge short sleeve and 1 ExLarge longsleeve. Email me at and we can figure out how to get you the money and me the shirts. :lol:
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Unread post by mortontoemike »

Hi Bobson;

Is there still time to get an XL Tee? Is so, I'd like one ...

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