Nitinaht anybody

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Nitinaht anybody

Unread post by kitesurferdale »

I am heading out to nitinaht saturday, anybody else thinking of heading out for the day or weekend??
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Unread post by Bobson »

I am thinking about you know how much the accomodations are in the village..?? :?: I don't want to have to set up the tent and sleeping stuff, just sailing-eat-drink-sleep-sailing!

what are you expecting ?

Unread post by darkcanuck »

hows the forecast setting up for Nitinat this weekend ? how about the rest of the Island ? :shock:
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Unread post by windsurf247 »

Bobson....are you getting soft on us?? The trick to sleeping in the tent is to drink more beer [smilie=drinkofbeer.gif] HAve fun if you go!
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Unread post by more force 4 »

I think the motel is about $45 for a single room, a little more for kitchenette - Dale can probably remember better than me. Nothing on the web anymore, I think they used to have a site. The rooms are pretty nice, I've stayed there lots, but its a long walk from the campsite if you are drunk (bring a bike?). They also have a good deal on showers - a loonie gets you a good 4-5 minutes of hot water, and the motel often has ice when the store has run out.
Russian Guy


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I'm thinking about going on Saturday just for a day if local forecast is bad. 8)
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Unread post by kitesurferdale »

Heh, that used to be my web page, but yes the motel as of last year, during winter season for non kitenette was $45 and a kitenette ran you around $60. However, I do not know for sure if those rates still apply. I will say that the rooms are rather small and the operater rather tempermental. AS for the weather, Nitinaht really has its only little climate, and mind of its own but from what I am willing to gather and say is that the wind should be there, how hard is another matter, I would say between 12 -18 maybe. But then again, Hey I have been wrong too many times to counts ssoo. I of course am going to be there regardless so hope to see ya all out there!!!! 8)
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sleeping in a tent

Unread post by kitesurferdale »

Hey bobson, you could be like me and sleep in the back of your truck, no hassle for set up, warm as can be and a cinch to pack up.
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lake stay

Unread post by KUS »

hey, might find my way up there for a couple of hours Saturday, Russian guy wanna give me a ride in from Cow Lake at 1 or so? I bring beersky!

Motel? :shock: sleeping in truck for sail/drink/sail/headhome works quite well this early in the season. Ya only need a couple of sandwiches and coffee, if ya eat beans the truck gets really warm fast. 8) Have fun up there. kus
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Russian Guy

Re: lake stay

Unread post by Russian Guy »

KUS wrote:Russian guy wanna give me a ride in from Cow Lake at 1 or so? I bring beersky!
No prob. Just tell me what equipment you are going to take. As about "pivo" (beer in Russian) I'm heading home the same day, so save it for the next time 8)
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Unread post by windaddiction »

day trips? have you guys seen the price in gas! I mean come on lets be real who's gonna go up for the weekend ! oh BTW I didn't get the Tent trailor :( so i guess i'll have to settle for the "delux" tent and cot !
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Unread post by KUS »

No probs, :roll: my Van gets almost 10 miles to the gallon so I'm laughing, haha, to the bank I go....haha....frickin' Ford :evil:

Thx Andre- my cell is 360-6463, try me as you are coming into Duncan, not 100% yet but working on it. Would be taking megaboard (9'1" ~108L), off course the mega fin and 6.9.... Maybe it will get insulted and then it'll actually blow. :D See ya. m.
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Unread post by Russian Guy »

Marcus, I'll give you a call tomorrow.
Just in case my cell : 216 5169

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Unread post by windsurf247 »

Hey might want to throw in something a bit smaller too. I was getting overpowered on my 6.0 on Easter weekend.
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Go Big or Go Home

Unread post by Bobson »

Markus, you're a BIG GUY. W-247 is getting soft I can hold down the 6.9!! I was on the 9.0 on Easter Weekend and only went down to the 6.9 for about 1 hour. Rig Big or Eat Pig!?? :shock:

Just joking, rig whatever you want I was just trying to have some fun! W-247 I don't think your soft, just kinda weight impared! HA!

I'm looking forward to it, I hope I can get up there too!
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