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Post by JL »

Arturo: That's the end of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for me ,Wait how about salami and jelly,or tomato and jelly ,I did not know that I have been eating all this polluted food , says a lot for my immune system - Saturday October 18, 8:42PM
Kus: I think you just used it all up - Saturday October 18, 8:26PM
Voodmon: Nope, totally obscured once again, look up and wait till we have an unobscured day once again, if that even ever happens, by the way, peanut butter is one of the most contaminated foods one can buy, #1 by molds #2 by pesticides. i rest my case. So blue cheese to you too. laughs, how do you spell laffs lauffs etc, the milky bright sh333t is what they are doing the stuff that glares, it's very easy to spot once you know what to look for, and yep they were at it again today. So whether or not we will have weather is a sort of mute point, i really don't want to go on and on about this stuff, it gets tiresome for me too, my concern is #1 there needs to be gov't disclosure about what is going on in our airspace and the why they are doing it. Sounds simple, but every time a person asks you run into a wall, this is going on all over the world right now even in new zealand so crikey what the heck is this obscuring the sky all about ? i do know, hence the take a rain water sample, if it conforms to the Hughes corp patent registered in the usa we know exactely what is going on. I will shut up now. Hopefully we will get some wind soon. Voodmon: check out the wonderful colour of the sky on saturday a wonderful sunny day? obscured ? will you see the sun ? i think not! sorry Dave. i was going to pm you, but instead i will cry for humanity. - Friday October 17, 8:26PM
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the sky subject

Post by voodmon »

the sky is the wrong colour, if you look you will see, that is because of the 10 million tons of aluminum oxide they are dispersing in the atmosphere along with the barium oxide, which is not a naturally occurring agent and god knows what else is in the spew anyway, this is the brainchild of edward teller the father of the us h bomb, his first suggestion was to explode small nukes under volcanoes to put particulate matter in the upper atmosphere..scary to say the least, so at the behest of the larger insurance companies AIG and who knows who else, who were feeling strapped by paying out huge payments from the flooding in europe Katrina etc which are all supposedly caused by the supposed global warming these mad scientists embarked on a mission to obscure this our planet from the sunlight which we need to grow our food , prevent osteoporis etc, the project as anyone in their right mind can see is ongoing and has been stepped up, 24 hrs a day i hear them them before 5 am now, some of my co workers see them throughout the night, a grid of contrails in a full moon sky last week, even today, a frontal system coming in, it was cloudy above our heads, but we could still hear them, working above the cloud mass, god knows who these pilots are who pilot these planes, do they truly think that they are saving the planet from global warming? these planes Boeing kc10's and Boeing kc135 strato tankers are painted white on the under side, unlike commercial traffic that paints their upperside, they are white on the underside so you don't see them or your camera doesn't see them. I have many many pics of this ongoing program, and personnaly after talking to the guys at Vic Int and Mla's , both know this is ongoing, vic int has re-routed commercial traffic on an ongoing basis and the gov't will not comment, there is a power when we the people speak out and that is what i am truly seeking, so ... no peanut butter..this is real. it is ongoing in violatation of our air space without our permission. if you choose to have aluminum oxide in sooke lake in our water supply, if you choose to have it on our organic farms on this island too, be a sheep....sorry i am not, so speek out and learn, i have lot's of non internet pic's but the simplest link you can do is , google...chemtrails victoria...a p.s. there are 4 us programs dispersing aerosols into the atmosphere, #1 to reflect ultraviolet light to prevent supposed global warming, #2 to potentiate the HAARP facility in alaska, #3 "owning the weather by 2025" a means to use weather to destroy another country, and #4 Dharpa, which is top secret, but a means to use the haarp and the chemtrail/ metallic trail to see over the horizon for military purposes. cheers all, please do me a fovour and wake up. global shield/ project cloverleaf, let's get our blue skies back and our wind!
Surfing outside of Platos cave, searching for Blue Skies.
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