Found Dakine Harness at Elk Lake Thursday Night

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Found Dakine Harness at Elk Lake Thursday Night

Unread post by Stephen.. »

I thought I would post this here too...

Hey, I found a really nice Dakine Hawaii harness after my session at Elk Lake today. It was left under the picnic table. Betty-Anne, is it yours? I would like to get it back to the right owner. I waited for 1/2 hour while drinking some tea for the owner to show up but at 8:40 figured they weren't going to show. My email is . My 3 hour session was a great time. Pretty gusty on the lake but I finally found my back foot strap and was hooked in and flying! OK, I get it now - MORE SPEED! Hoping for another great session on Saturday - Jun 10 9:14PM

Dakine harness

Unread post by Stephen.. »

Still nobody has noticed it missing? Let me know if you know who has misplaced their harness at Elk Lake.
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