How we use the University of Washington Wind Model

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How often do you check the wind forecast

Once a week
Once a day
At least 3 times a day
Constantly hitting refresh on my browser!
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CPAA users

Post by megabite »

I can say for a fact that members of the Clover Point Anglers Association who don't live within sight of JDF Strait give your web cams and wind forecast a close look before heading down to fish. That's about 25 boats and full time members, plus probably 10 - 15 associate members, of which I'd guess 2/3 rely on those forecasts for planning.

Once wind conditions and forecasts appear favourable, the tide predictions are a bonus, as they're very important for fishermen.

Thanks to both BWD and UofW for the site and accurate predictions.
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Model Useage.

Post by slakov »

I live on Saltspring Island and sail year round, approximately 35 days a year. I always check the model before we go sailing, it's far more accurate than Environment Canada for our area. Please keep up the good work!
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Post by GregK »

With closing on 10, 000 views of this topic, it's sad that there are only 144 votes cast and 166 Replies.

Come on people, add your voice, BW Dave needs your support !

I've also made a small donation to the UW Friends of Atmospheric Sciences Fund, because the model and Dave's tabular presentation of its output are worth it.

Dave - Any news on the situation ?
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Post by bwd »

I spent about 2 weeks working on my code to try and reduce the amount of hits on the UofW server. They were going to monitor my usage and get back to me after a few weeks. That was about a month ago. I am assuming that no news is good news and we are okay. There was a lot of back and forth and they now understand how we use the model and how many of us use it. The last I heard was that they were sure that something could be worked out.

I'll try and see if there is an update...
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Post by UnusuallyLargeRobin »

You''re dropping like a rock Dave! Down to 26th of top 30 referrers (used to be 5th), 2500 hits compared to 70000 when this began. I don't think you'll be a problem for them anymore. Nice work! ... ml#TOPREFS
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Post by KUS »

It's mostly cuz I stopped checking for updates.....every 28 seconds :oops: :lol:
Yesssss, nice work Dave, your beer credits are all we need is to hook up on a Kusschine/Cooler day on the same windy beach....

by the looks of the model this could be a while :?
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Post by zen Flier »

I like to look at your forcast models even when I am not going kiting. When I do kite I need them to get in the car.
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Post by AC »

Not a day goes by without me looking at the weather before heading out to work on the local waters. I would be disappointed if i lost the Model
i appreciate the time saved by opening up that link"
Thanks so much
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The Wind Model

Post by KathyB »

My family are not windsurfers, but boaters (power and sail).
We ALWAYS check the wind models before we head out on the water. Actually, we start checking a few days in advance so we can start making our plans for the weekend.
Environment Canada does not break it down enough for us - both in location and times. Haro Stait is quite diverse as far as wind speed and wind direction. We really appreciate being able to access this information and we hope that it continues in the future.
Thank you.
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Wind Model

Post by gharrison »

It will be very disappointing if you are unable to provide this model. We use the wind model every time we head out on the water or are planning a trip. It has never been wrong! The Strait of Juan de Fuca can be so unpredictable. I hope you are able to continue to provide this information!
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Post by winddude »

Don't let the wind predictions die!! I use them to plan my sessions.
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Post by Whytey »

I use the wind model to plan boating trips and fishing outings. BWD is highly accurate and it would be a major loss to the sportfishing community on Vancouver Island. Please keep this website up and running for safety sake.
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Wind Models WM5

Post by Cam »

The availability of Wind Forecast Model data is an essential part of Sailing, of learning about weather and how the confusing unpredicable PNW weather is unlike most Weather Forecasting in Canada

It has equal bearing for American living in the Juan de Fuca & Haro cooridors as well.

How better to prep potential meteorology students, & teach those who are working on Nowcasting & Hindcasting projects what forecasting is all about.

Dave's working data mining the large amount of data into presentable, comprehendable information is too valuable not to continue. THis is after all data that is public domain, or at least funded with public money. BigWaveDave is probably used by government staffers to help justify ongoing improvements in Weather & Wind data collection. Improvements that are slow coming, but at least are coming.

DWD Wind Forecasting is like Olympic Security for those heading offshore. Especially those with small craft.

Thanks Dave.. & Thank you U or W for providing the data pipeline to us all.

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Post by ozy »

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Re: Wind Models WM5

Post by downwind dave »

Cam wrote:
DWD Wind Forecasting is like Olympic Security for those heading offshore. Especially those with small craft.
Plz note that a DWD wind forecast is nothing remotely like the far superior BWD forecast. 8)
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