Nitinaht 2019 Campsite Development

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Nitinaht 2019 Campsite Development

Unread post by UnusuallyLargeRobin »

North Shore Ski & Board recently posted this photo of the campsite development underway at the lake. The Ditidaht have punched a loop road up (South) to the Caycuse river mouth, with expected addition of 40 sites.
Caycuse river mouth on left, lake at top of photo
Caycuse river mouth on left, lake at top of photo
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Unread post by KUS »

Day of Mourning :cry:
Last edited by KUS on Wed Jan 23, 2019 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Must ... Sail... More...
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Unread post by emearg »

unfortunate but more sites were needed, hopefully another outhouse got put in too.
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Unread post by skywalker »

KUS wrote:Paradise was lost when they first logged "for safety" way back....

It's really gone now, so is my respect, so sad....why don'tcha just pave the whole f&*ker :evil:

Day of Mourning :cry:
I view this as a positive step.

Most of the lake is not used. Because of where the campsite is, a few tracks of water are overcrowded. I hope this will spread people out a bit so everyone can find their piece of NN magic
these are not the pumps you are looking for....
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Unread post by rvanderbyl »

I like your positive attitude Skywalker but it's not going to change anything on the water imho. People sail where they sail out of habit or because of where the best wind is. ( I know kiters aren't as picky as windsurfers :wink:) As a windsurfer, coming in close to the beach above the kiters there always seems to be a big area of no or light wind close to shore so I don't venture there staying more in the middle of the lake as far upwind as you can go. Regardless the best wind seems to be where every one sails already except on the really good days when it's fun to go way downwind too. Maybe the newcomers to Nitnat (as in only started using it in the last ten years or less) will enjoy the new sites but as an old-time user of the camp I am really disappointed about the distruction of more forest and sites put in that will likely sit empty for the majority of the time. I hope I'm wrong and it actually helps strike a good balance for all users. We are all paying for it though with higher camp fees for a severe lack of maintenance with the current outhouse situation. &#128169;
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Unread post by abetanzo »

I think this is pretty awesome and a positive for everyone and anyone!! The new road may have caused some intrusion and exposure to a venerable area but I believe us as a group can make it into a paradise!!

it would be great to hear what exactly is happening?? as a core group of people who pay the fees regularly maybe we could provide some input??

I'm sure we will all make the most of it this year so lets be on the positive to this improvement to a beautiful location we are able to enjoy!
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Unread post by AC »

Change is Inevitable.
Just enjoy what there is .
And be happy&#128076;

Hope everyone has a great 2019
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New Campsite Road

Unread post by RIG_RAGE »

Here's the plan.
IMG_1775.jpg (218.32 KiB) Viewed 8461 times
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Unread post by KUS »

skywalker wrote: I view this as a positive step.

Most of the lake is not used. Because of where the campsite is, a few tracks of water are overcrowded. I hope this will spread people out a bit so everyone can find their piece of NN magic
I am not purposely poopoo-ing the plans to maintain status quo, something needs to change, but this is not the answer. It is difficult beyond imagination when I recall the Lake as one of the older folks who cherished this quiet magical place....I guess I had resigned myself to the fact that there was not much left to destroy in the old campground. Every square inch has been compromised. The Sitka giants and berries, cozy separate camping sites are gone. The walk to the river and swimming holes were the remaining "nature" and bits of the old magic despite the overuse and disrespectful visitor behavior resulting in the place looking like a street people hangout.

It is what it is. Having looked at the layout, it seems like a great approach. They even have marked to "leave" 3 trees! :roll: It is paving of the Youbou road, park expansion though that will bring more and more users. More areas will get abused, trampled, more of the old guard of trees cut down to finance things or serve as bases of fire pits, clotheslines and "fort" construction. I'm not sure having more space is the answer, I have seen all this in Europe, the parking lot just gets bigger and dustier til there is nothing left but concrete, compacted earth. As to the water tracks being overcrowded, this relates to the wind quality or show off sailors needing to impress their peers/admirers on shore....why else would you not venture up or down the lake....I do :idea: just to get some quiet time and explore.

I think dividing the spaces existing in the park so as to have folks share space more effectively, policing the rules and guarding what is left was a priority. Blasting a road up there seems like leaving a sinking ship to build a new the cost of ALL the precious resources you have left. It takes leaders of foresight and character to recognize and manage this and the ambitious "builders".....You are draining the swamp! That sound familiar? :?:
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Unread post by nanmoo »

I'm curious of the history of how there came to be private land that far west?
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Unread post by Atomic-Chomik »

The old days are gone. Don't bother lamenting about it. The place was suffering ridiculous pressure on those few sites, more and more every year. More sites will make for less pressure and stressful conditions factoring in how it is now, not 10 years ago.
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Unread post by KUS »

nanmoo wrote:I'm curious of the history of how there came to be private land that far west?
Rich Coleman, the backroom pay cheque collector, chief of them all :x
Atomic-Chomik wrote:The old days are gone. Don't bother lamenting about it. The place was suffering ridiculous pressure on those few sites, more and more every year. More sites will make for less pressure and stressful conditions factoring in how it is now, not 10 years ago.
Pressure lies in the eye of the beholder....the owner can just say: FULL (on those two or three July/August weekends). Or set it up so more fit efficiently and effectively. Another outhouse, number sites, assign less space to each's ridiculous how large some the sites were and some single f&*k would just block the access with his truck/RV for one (and for weeks or even months at a time!!) that could have housed three families easily....

Having said all this, I suppose a landowner can do whatever they choose with their land, it's just not what I would have done....opinions are just that :roll: it's just if you have been designated as the gatekeeper for a wind/lake/environmental paradise, one might expect some more appreciation for this higher calling :idea: you are it, after this it's just temporary, minimal dollars and erosion, your choice certainly
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Unread post by Atomic-Chomik »

KUS for President!
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Unread post by KUS »

#drainingtheswampatnitinaht :idea:

I'm done here :(
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