RRd firemove 135 vs jp superlightwind with big sails

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RRd firemove 135 vs jp superlightwind with big sails

Unread post by Windjunky »

Been hearing a lot of good things about the rrd firemove 135l and considering trading my jp super lightwind in for one anyone tried either one. Supposed to be a little easier to ride maybe slower and easier to jibe. Jp slw gets a bit out of control in big chop (3ft at lake cowichan). Or other similar boards fanatic gecko tabou rocket wide etc.
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Unread post by DavidM »

what is your weight and what size sails do you want to use it with? That would have a bearing on what size of firemove you require.

I say this because you may not need a 135 ltr. I am 225 lbs and ride a 110 ltr Firemove as my light wind session saver or when conditions are sketchy (gusty) ie 8 to 25 knts). I ride it with sails 5.5 to 7.0 and have ridden it in very swelly conditions at Pipers and Columbia Beach and in a fair bit of wind as well.

At my weight, if I were to use sails larger than 7.0 I would go for the larger size. When I use sail 7.5 and larger I use my Futura 144 ltr.
In addition if you are still uphauling you may want the larger size as well but a water start is a must if serious about windsurfing in swelly conditions.
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Unread post by grantmac »

Where and how you sail plus body weight makes a difference for sure.
I'm 185# and my big board is 122L, I foil with it and ride with a fin down to 5.3m
Realistically is a bit big for most days in Victoria and up island, I'd like to replace it with a 110L freestyle/FSW board.

The SLW from what I've read is for >8m conditions which we rarely see. Usually it's on or off. Unsure about Lake Cowichan though.
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Unread post by Windjunky »

I am between 190 and 210 lbs and sailing alot with 7.5 tp 9.5 sails I have waterstarted a few times 20 years ago on small angulo wave board. Now I sail alot at willows, agate park and lake cowichan and sproat. Definately need to learn to waterstart but dont seem to get the time to go to nitinat although plan to next summer. I have the jp slw 165 which i am having trouble getting in back footstraps. also feels too fast and bumpy to jibe but still fun. I also have wave sup with sail option 140l which i have no problem uphauling even in waves in oregon. Rent similar board on annual trip to maui and had alot of fun surfing waves which am not good at without sail. So looking for something to get in footstraps easily and learn to jibe before i learn to waterstart consistently. Also bought a used starboard kombat 114l but went out on tuesday with 2-3 foot waves at willows and directly onshore wind and got frustrated trying to waterstart or uphaul with no success. I will have to try again with sideshore and smaller chop/waves. So looking to replace jp with something a little more user friendly(freeride)
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Unread post by grantmac »

I have a cheap 130L which could fit the bill and you'd be welcome to test ride. Very easy board and no problem uphauling when I was 210.
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Unread post by Windjunky »

I saw that what year is the mistral explosion ?
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Unread post by Windjunky »

Oh I see now its a 2007 is that the one with the square nose?
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Unread post by grantmac »

Yes it's the modern shaped one. Long enough to be an easy board to get planing and the inboard strap positions are super easy to get in.
I've used it like a windsup in waves a couple of times too.

Was going to keep it to teach the kids bit I have too many boards at the moment and hopefully another inbound.
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Unread post by Windjunky »

Kinda looking for something shiny and new and light. Also looking at specs on goya volar as well jp majic ride. Just hoping something like this will plane as early in 6.5- 7.5m conditions as jp slw
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Unread post by grantmac »

The SLW will plane super early and through lulls better. But as you've noticed it's very technical to sail, like a Formula (because it's close to one).
If you want something easier then yeah a Magic Ride, Blast, etc will do it but you will lose some early planing and upwind capability.

For me I'd get that waterstart figured out then just use the Kombat. It's a perfect Victoria board.
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Unread post by winddude »

I did a light wind freeride board test back when Windsurfing Mag was still around, the RDD firemove and firestorm where my two favorite boards, quick to plane, and lively.
Must ... Sail... More...
Lawrence <a href="http://www.winddude.com">'Wind Dude'</a> Stewart
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Unread post by Windjunky »

The Jpl planes early with 10, 11M sails but I wonder if it planes any earlier in the 7.5M range? Hey Windude do you remember the sizes of boards and sails you were on?
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Unread post by Windjunky »

I will try Kombat 114 again on sat looks like a little bit of wind on the cordova bay side
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Unread post by grantmac »

Windjunky wrote:I will try Kombat 114 again on sat looks like a little bit of wind on the cordova bay side
Or bottom of the stairs at Cook. That's where I'm going if the forecast holds true.
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Unread post by Windjunky »

Do you carry everything down in one go?
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