Log Started: Tuesday July 19, 2022
Total Records: 141
This Year: 60
Thursday March 2, 2023
Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
Thursday March 2, 2023
Toys Used:
Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
WSW 25 - 35 3-4 ft WSW
1.00 hours
KT Drifter 5'4" 105L KT Wing Air 4m Axis HPS 930 Axis Black Fuselage Short Axis Aluminium 900 and 750
Another big day in Dead Man's Cove. Very gusty. totally over powered on a 4m. Really need to get something smaller. Waves were big but messy. BWD, Atomic and the Doctor out there along with a few others. Good times. Could only justify an hour. Wasn't even planning on being in town today so a solid lunch foil was a gift.