lost kiteboard Gordons

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lost kiteboard Gordons

Unread post by Chris »

I have just lost my kiteboard :cry: (home-made, dark orange, mutant style 150cm, crappy finishing job) at Gordon's Beach. Supposedly some girls picked it up, but no trace. Any hints would be welcome. Victoria 818-9281


Lost Kite Board

Unread post by Martin »

Hi Chris,

Watched your board for as long as I could, considering the wave action.
It went into the bay near where you were first parked this morning.
Lost sight of it well into the bay just as you were walking by my place back to the launch area otherwise I would have driven down to try to find it.
Hope it gets returned!

Unread post by Guest »

Hi Martin,
was it still way out there when I walked by? We drove back to the place we where at first and some guy said a couple of girls picked it up and drove off, which surprised me because it was hardly moving towards shore when I last saw it.

wait 26 days

Unread post by wait 26 days »

same thing happened to me....is your name on it......it came up on the shore at gonzales for me 26 days later
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never mind the board

Unread post by KUS »

never mind, what did the girls look like? :twisted: try the free lost ads in the comunist or the local rags!
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Unread post by Guest »

wait 26 days wrote:same thing happened to me....is your name on it......it came up on the shore at gonzales for me 26 days later
You have lost a board at Gordon's and it came back 26d later at Gonzales?
I hope that lucky. I sniffed a lot of resin and dust to make that board. From now on everything get's a name written on.

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